US, UK, China Collaborating on ‘Newly Emerging Avian Influenza Viruses’: Report

House panel questions why the Department of Agriculture is participating in $1 million, five-year program with the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Four years after a global coronavirus pandemic was allegedly unleashed from the Wuhan Institute of Virology and despite the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) overt design to “dual-purpose” militarize agricultural research, the United States Department

Biden Food Stamp Chief Offloads Policymaking to Soros-Funded Think Tank, Ethics Complaint Charges

Two months into the Biden administration, a top official at the Department of Agriculture fielded a question, from a New York Times reporter about a program, that she couldn’t answer. The reporter emailed Deputy Undersecretary of Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services Stacy Dean on March 30, 2021, asking for her thoughts on data that suggest

Chicago Under Siege: Filmed Crime Epidemic and Lawlessness in Wake of Drug Activity

Ben Bergquam, Terry Newsome, and Pastor Lowery updated the American people about the out-of-control crime and open destruction of American law and order happening in Chicago while filming a drug-related activity involving illegal immigrants to America. A group of men were filmed selling and doing drugs. At the same time, Bergquam expressed his frustration with