Biden Admin Unveils First National Blueprint for Reducing Building Emissions

The Biden administration’s Department of Energy (DOE) unveiled its first-ever national blueprint for aggressively decarbonizing the U.S. residential and commercial building sectors on April 2.
Titled “Decarbonizing the U.S. Economy by 2050: A National Blueprint for the Buildings Sector,” the comprehensive plan is non-binding. This means there is a chance that construction companies, building owners, and local governments, who may oppose the measures and goals listed in the plan, will not act upon it.
Still, officials say it has the potential to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from buildings by 65 percent by 2035 and 90 percent by 2050.
In a press release, the Department of Energy said the blueprint is the “first sector-wide strategy for building decarbonization developed by the federal government” and underscores President Biden’s whole-of-government approach to “cutting harmful carbon emissions and achieving the nation’s ambitious clean energy and climate goals.”… Original News Source Link – Epoch Times

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