Shutdown Deadline Looms as Senate Considers House-Passed $1.2 Trillion Funding Bill

Hopes for a Vote Dwindle on Verge of Shutdown By Joseph Lord | 22 mins ago Hopes for a late night vote series to pass the House-passed $1.2 trillion minibus spending package are dwindling as behind-the-scenes partisan squabbling continues. Meanwhile, the government is just hours away from going into a partial shutdown. Asked whether there’s

The Road to a Republican Senate

Republican chances of winning control of the U.S. Senate improved Wednesday when a Washington Post poll showed Larry Hogan (R., Md.) trouncing his potential Democratic opponents by double digits. The popular former governor, known for his independence and common sense, has been supporting Israel as his Democratic rivals squabble for left-wing votes. Though Hogan remains

Democrat Maria Cantwell Emerges as Key Player in TikTok Fight. Her Former Aides Are Working for the Company.

A bipartisan group of senators expressed alarm as they emerged from a classified briefing on TikTok on Wednesday. The app, owned and controlled by a Chinese Communist Party-tied company, “is a gun pointed at Americans’ heads,” Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D., Conn.) said. “There was deep concern about the threat of TikTok from both sides of

Harvard Professors on Israel Visit Describe ‘Existential Crisis’ for Jews Back Home–And Loss of Faith in DEI

TEL AVIV—A group of Harvard University professors visited Israel this week in a show of wartime solidarity with the Jewish state. But the visitors seemed to be just as much in need of support as their hosts. In a series of sessions at Tel Aviv University on Tuesday, members of the more-than-50-person delegation—which also included