Baltimore Disaster Adds Urgency to Calls for US Maritime Policy Reform, Port Investment

Growing chorus say Biden’s $20 billion ports plan needs big boost to reverse decades of infrastructure neglect that now imperils commerce, national security. President Joe Biden, in an executive order this February, directed $20 billion in allocations from the 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill (BIL) into a five-year grant program dedicated to modernizing America’s 361 commercial

IN-DEPTH: Baltimore Disaster Adds Urgency to Calls for US Maritime Policy Reform, Port Investment

Growing chorus say Biden’s $20 billion ports plan needs big boost to reverse decades of infrastructure neglect that now imperils commerce, national security. President Joe Biden, in an executive order this February, directed $20 billion in allocations from the 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill (BIL) into a five-year grant program dedicated to modernizing America’s 361 commercial

Biden rebukes Trump after social media post

Biden rebukes Trump after social media post – CBS News Watch CBS News President Biden criticized former President Trump after the presumptive 2024 GOP nominee shared a social media post showing Mr. Biden restrained in the back of a pickup truck. Skyler Henry reports. View CBS News In Be the first to know Get browser

America’s Controversial Stealth Fighter Jet Can Now Carry Nukes

It was a routine Pentagon announcement during a regular briefing the Friday before the president typically submits his annual defense budget request to Congress on the second Monday in March. As of October, a spokesman for the Department of Defense’s (DOD) F-35 Joint Program Office told Pentagon beat writers, that “certain” Air Force F-35As have

White House Slams ‘Cruel, Hateful’ Backlash Over Its Assigning Transgender Day on Easter

The Biden administration banned children from depicting religious themes on Easter eggs in an art contest. The White House lambasted lawmakers who questioned the Biden administration’s decision to assign Easter Sunday as a transgender day, claiming the critics were spreading “hateful” rhetoric. On Friday, President Biden issued an official declaration that March 31, which is