Cori Bush Under Criminal Investigation For Misusing Federal Funds

Rep. Cori Bush (D., Mo.) is under criminal investigation for misusing federal funds to pay for private security, according to a report Tuesday.

The Justice Department’s criminal probe into the Squad lawmaker is homing in on her alleged misuse of her Member Representational Allowance, a fund intended to support the operation of her congressional office, Punchbowl News reported. A Washington Free Beacon review of Bush’s office spending shows she reported two disbursements in 2021 for “security services” totaling $1,416. The existence of the criminal probe suggests Bush’s reporting may not be accurate.

Bush is no stranger to controversy when it comes to her personal security detail. She currently faces a Federal Election Commission complaint for diverting at least $74,000 in campaign donations to her husband, Cortney Merritts, for private security services since January 2022. The pair secretly tied the knot last February.

Bush’s spending on her private security detail runs counter to her frequent calls to defund the police. But Bush has rejected allegations of hypocrisy from her critics, telling them to “suck it up” because she can’t do her job safely without private security watching her back.

“So if I end up spending $200,000, if I spend $10 more on it, you know what, I get to be here to do the work,” Bush told CBS News in 2021. “So suck it up, and defunding the police has to happen. We need to defund the police and put that money into social safety nets, because we’re trying to save lives.”

Merritts isn’t the only odd member of Bush’s security team. She has paid $152,000 for private security services from another man, Nathaniel Davis III, who claims to have a host of supernatural abilities, including the power to summon tornadoes at will and make fire appear out of nothing.

Rumors that Bush was the target of the Justice Department’s criminal probe swirled in Washington, D.C., after the House Sergeant at Arms announced Monday that federal law enforcement officers had served a grand jury subpoena to the body for documents.

Punchbowl News reporter Max Cohen said Bush declined to talk to him about the investigation Monday evening because she had a toothache.

It’s unclear if Bush’s alleged toothache was a veiled reference to one of Davis’s more peculiar powers—the ability to make the teeth of his enemies fall out of their heads.

“I’ll take you to the book of Psalms. I’ll show you how to knock a person, make all they teeth fall out of they mouth,” Davis explained in a May 2020 Facebook video. “There’s a certain Psalm, you pray that mother 99 times, after a new moon and put that person name in there. And the next time they name come out your mouth they teeth gonna start start falling out. I’ve done it.”

Davis says he has had several lifetimes to hone his mystic abilities. He claims he’s 109 trillion years old, the Free Beacon reported.

The self-proclaimed spiritual guru also has a history of advancing anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, such as the claim that the Rothschild family secretly rules the world.

Davis demanded the Free Beacon retract its reporting on his anti-Semitic statements last March. He claimed he couldn’t be anti-Semitic because he himself is a member of the Tribe of Issachar, one of the lost tribes of Israel.

“That makes me Hebrew. How can I be anti-Semitic?” Davis asked the Free Beacon, adding “You’re literally dealing with the priesthood, literally.”

Original News Source – Washington Free Beacon

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