Democratic Party Seeks to Replace ‘Puppet’ Biden Over Mental Fitness: Ramaswamy

Democratic Party could consider former First Lady Michelle Obama as its presidential candidate, the biotech entrepreneur said.

Former GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy said President Joe Biden will not secure the nomination for the Democratic Party due to concerns over his mental acuity, following the Justice Department’s special counsel report. Mr. Ramaswamy indicated that the Democratic establishment will replace the president with “a different puppet.”

“The managerial class and the Democratic Party, and I believe in the Deep State, has decided that they have lost their use for Joe Biden as a puppet,” Mr. Ramaswamy said during an interview with Fox News on Feb. 8, discussing Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report on the investigation into President Biden’s handling of classified documents.

“I think they laid a trap for him. They invited him effectively to prove to the American people that he doesn’t have the mental acuity to do it. He fell into their trap. And now they’re laying the groundwork for the coming three months to sideline him and actually put up who the real nominee is going to be,” he said.

The 38-year-old biotech entrepreneur then predicted that the Democratic Party would consider former First Lady Michelle Obama as its presidential candidate for the 2024 White House bid.

In a 388-page report released on Feb. 8, Mr. Hur found that President Biden “willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen.” But the special counsel decided not to prosecute him because of a lack of sufficient evidence to establish his guilt “beyond a reasonable doubt” and the president’s “poor memory.”

‘Elderly Man With Poor Memory’

The report described President Biden as “a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” The report also referred to the president’s mental fitness as “hazy,” “significantly limited,” and showed signs of “diminished faculties and faulty memory.”

The report highlighted that President Biden struggled to remember significant events such as the timing of his son’s death, the duration of his vice presidency, or the Afghanistan debate.

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Following the report, President Biden held a press conference, dismissing the special counsel’s findings. “My memory is fine,” President Biden said angrily amidst intense questioning from the press. But he mixed up the presidents of Mexico and Egypt during the press conference.

The White House also refuted the report’s findings about the president’s memory, calling them “gratuitous” and “politically motivated.”

When asked about how President Biden handled questions regarding his mental fitness during the press conference, Mr. Ramaswamy said it seemed like “a form of elder abuse.”

“This is a man who was clearly personally hurt, personally insulted but didn’t have the mental acuity to process or even communicate the extent to which he had been hurt or insulted. And so the reality is, this man is a puppet; the puppet masters who are wielding him have lost their use.

“It’s a really sad situation to watch play out in plain sight. This is the President of the United States,” he said.

Mr. Ramaswamy pointed out that President Biden failed to unite the country and advised the GOP front-runner candidate, former President Donald Trump, to take this opportunity to unite the country and secure the win in November.

Call to Invoke 25th Amendment

Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-N.Y.) wrote a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland on Feb. 8, calling for the removal of President Biden through the 25th Amendment following the special counsel’s report. In the letter, she expressed “grave concerns” regarding the president’s mental fitness.

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) agreed with Ms. Tenney, noting that the president “can’t have it both ways.”

“The Special Counsel’s report and Biden’s embarrassing press conference last night make clear: He should either resign as unfit or face criminal prosecution,” Mr. Hawley posted on X (formerly Twitter). “Merrick Garland has a duty to invoke the 25th Amendment to his fellow Cabinet members. Or prosecute Biden. If he won’t prosecute, then invoke the 25th now,” he later added.
Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Texas), a former White House physician, said the president is “mentally unfit” and should be removed. “Joe Biden is completely mentally UNFIT for President, even his own DOJ says so! We’ve known this for a long time, but now Biden’s health has become a national security issue. REMOVE!” he wrote on X.

Emel Akan and Samantha Flom contributed to this report.

Original News Source Link – Epoch Times

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