Millionaire Democrat Jacky Rosen Can’t Seem To Pay Her Taxes on Time

Sen. Jacky Rosen (D., Nev.) is chronically delinquent in paying her property taxes, according to a Washington Free Beacon review of tax records.

Rosen has twice been late paying the property taxes on her $1 million, six-bedroom home in Henderson, Nevada, since her first election in 2017. As a congresswoman, Rosen was 32 days late paying $1,074 in property taxes due in March 2018. Assuming the duties of the upper chamber did not change Rosen, who was 38 days late paying $2,279 in property taxes in January 2020.

Rosen’s tax delinquency could open her up to charges of hypocrisy as she seeks to secure a second term in the Senate. In 2017, she called for a boost to public school funding paid for by raising taxes on corporations and wealthy Americans. But Rosen’s failure to pay her property taxes on time put a squeeze on the Nevada public school system, which relies primarily on property and sales taxes to keep its lights on.

Recent polls show Rosen with a slight lead over top Republican recruit Sam Brown, a retired Army captain who earned a Purple Heart after suffering severe burns from a roadside bomb while in Afghanistan. Rosen defeated her 2018 challenger, Republican Adam Laxalt, by fewer than 8,000 votes.

It’s not clear why Rosen was late paying her taxes in 2018 and 2020. She and her husband, radiologist Larry Rosen, certainly have the means to pay their bills. Rosen disclosed in her 2022 financial disclosure owning assets worth up to $18.5 million and debts totaling no more than $1.5 million. The Democrat incurred $88 in penalties for her late payments.

Though she was late paying her own taxes, Rosen has supported measures to raise taxes on working-class Americans. She voted in favor of President Joe Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act in August 2022, which set aside $80 billion to hire an army of IRS agents. The Congressional Budget Office estimated the funding would help bring in $20 billion in additional revenues from tax enforcement on those making less than $400,000 a year.

Property tax delinquency is something of an endemic problem among congressional Democrats.

Democratic Reps. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (Wash.), Matthew Cartwright (Pa.), Marcy Kaptur (Ohio), Vicente Gonzalez (Texas), John Garamendi (Calif.), Sean Casten (Ill.), Andy Kim (N.J.), and Deborah Ross (N.C.) have all come under fire in recent years for failing to pay their property taxes on time.

The Rosen campaign did not return a request for comment.

Original News Source – Washington Free Beacon

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