New Hampshire’s Largest Newspaper Endorses Dean Phillips

The Granite State’s primary is on Tuesday.

New Hampshire’s largest newspaper, the Union Leader, has thrown its support behind Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.), labeling him a “reasonable alternative” for Democrats to incumbent President Joe Biden.

The endorsement comes as Mr. Phillips, a long-shot Democratic candidate, faces an uphill battle to unseat the sitting president and beat GOP frontrunner, former President Donald Trump.

The Union Leader’s editorial, published on Jan. 22, urged Democratic voters to consider Mr. Phillips, even as the Democratic National Committee (DNC) canceled its primary in New Hampshire, seeking to cede its first-state privilege to South Carolina.

New Hampshire officials, however, declined the request, adding a layer of complexity to the state’s primary process.

“We have met many presidential primary candidates over the years. We have always let our readers know who we thought to be the best choice among the many contenders,” reads the editorial.

“Some of you may be handed a Democratic ballot on Tuesday and if so, you should consider Dean Phillips,” the editorial added.

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The Union Leader, which already endorsed Nikki Haley over President Trump for the GOP nomination, drew parallels between Mr. Phillips and its preferred GOP candidate, highlighting shared concerns about term limits, national deficits, and debt.

“They both talk about term limits. They both talk about the problems of ballooning national deficits and debt. They both profess to offer pragmatic leadership and understand the constitutional limits on presidential power,” reads the editorial.

Despite policy disagreements, the editorial acknowledged Mr. Phillips as a viable alternative for those seeking a change from the “Trump/Biden rematch we are told is inevitable.”

The newspaper pitched Mr. Phillips as similar to President Biden with respect to policy—but younger.

“While [Mr. Phillips] has identified important priorities, his proposed solutions will be a hard sell for anyone to the right of center,” the editorial reads.

“For anyone who supports Joe Biden for his policies but would prefer a president born during the Vietnam War rather than WWII, they will not be disappointed with Dean Phillips.”

Concluding its endorsement, the Union Leader states: “Most importantly, Dean Philips is on the ballot and actively campaigning in the Granite State. We wish him luck and encourage those receiving a Democratic ballot to consider Dean Phillips.”

Biden, DNC Accused of Subverting Primary

President Biden’s campaign has not filed to be on the New Hampshire ballot, potentially complicating matters further for him in the state.

On Jan. 11, Mr. Phillips strongly condemned what he described as an attempt by President Biden and his allies to undermine the Democrats’ presidential primary process, specifically in New Hampshire.

The criticism came in the wake of New Hampshire Democratic Chair Ray Buckley’s assertion that the DNC tried to strip the state of its first-in-the-nation primary because of its past support for Bernie Sanders in 2016 and 2020.

“It’s not a secret that the establishment was very angry with New Hampshire for Bernie Sanders winning in 2016 and 2020,” Mr. Buckley told The New York Times. “I think you’ll see a response from the progressive community across the country.”

Mr. Phillips swiftly criticized the alleged maneuver, describing it as an “underhanded” attempt by the Biden campaign and its allies to “subvert the Democratic President Primary process” and asserting that punishing New Hampshire for supporting Mr. Sanders was unjust.

The Phillips campaign has accused President Biden and the DNC of employing “anti-democratic tactics” throughout the election cycle, including keeping challengers off the ballot, suppressing votes in New Hampshire, refusing to hold debates, and gerrymandering the primary schedule.

Former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang also entered the fray last week, endorsing Mr. Phillips during an event in Hanover, New Hampshire.

Mr. Yang expressed doubts about President Biden’s ability to defeat President Trump in a rematch, citing the president’s age as a “massive handicap” for the Democrats.

“I think he’s the wrong candidate for 2024,” Mr. Yang told “The Brian Kilmeade Show.”

“I think in the general election, he would lose to Donald Trump, as Dean [Phillips] has been making the case,” he added.

Concerns about President Biden’s age and mental ability persist as the 2024 election approaches, while his approval ratings and support among key voting blocs decline.

Mr. Yang criticized the DNC for its alleged interference in primary elections and voiced support for Mr. Phillips’ assertion that voters desire a fresh perspective.

“I think there is a lot of frustration over the fact that the DNC has not played it straight up here in New Hampshire or in North Carolina or in Florida, where they’re canceling primaries.”

“How can you literally give a speech championing democracy on one hand and then turn around and suppress it on the other?” Mr. Yang continued.

“That is what is going on in this Democratic primary, and Dean Phillips is calling it out, and he’s about to show everyone that people don’t want just the battle of the 80-year-olds.”

New Hampshire is set to hold its primary caucus on Tuesday amid these controversies.

Original News Source Link – Epoch Times

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