Biden Releases Marijuana Offenders from Prison to Make Room for Trump Administration – The New Yorker

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—President Biden announced that he was pardoning all people convicted under federal law of marijuana possession in order to make prison cells available for members of the Trump Administration. Announcing the decision from the Oval Office, Biden said, “At present, thousands of Americans are in prison for the possession of marijuana. Those … Read more

The Left’s ESG Movement Is Coming After All Americans – Daily Signal

Americans were just issued a dire warning after “Dilbert,” a comic beloved by many over the years, was dropped from 77 publications after over three decades. Created by cartoonist Scott Adams, “Dilbert” uses satire to poke fun at traditional office life on a number of issues, which recently included “ESG.” As this particular comic strip explained, the … Read more

2022 Election: How to watch the Arizona Senate debate – FOX 10 News Phoenix

PHOENIX – You Decide 2022: Tonight, Arizona’s Senate candidates will take the stage in their one and only debate. The debate between Democratic incumbent Mark Kelly, Republican challenger Blake Masters, and Libertarian candidate Marc Victor will take place at Arizona PBS studios in downtown Phoenix. It will be televised on FOX 10 and FOX 10 … Read more

You asked, BPR is answering: How to vote in the 2022 election – Blue Ridge Public Radio

We’re partnering with America Amplified to answer questions about how to participate in the 2022 midterm elections. Blue Ridge Public Radio is part of a new community-powered journalism project to answer all your questions about how to exercise your right to vote in the upcoming midterms. Our mission is to provide you with the information … Read more

Trump Critics Float Theory Jared Kushner Urged Saudis to Cut Oil Production – Newsweek

Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner is being connected by the former president’s critics to the decision by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) to cut oil production just one month away from the United States’ midterm elections. Lincoln Project co-founder Rick Wilson suggested in a tweet that Kushner “call the Home Office in Riyadh.” … Read more