Trump Vows to Undo Biden’s Pro-Transgender Rules on ‘Day One’ of His Administration

‘It’ll be signed on day one,‘ President Trump said of the Title IX transgender provisions. ’It‘ll be terminated.’ Former President Donald Trump has vowed to reverse the Biden administration’s expansion of Title IX protections for transgender students on “day one” of his administration—if he wins the election in November. President Joe Biden has set a pro-transgender

Trump Trial’s Salacious Statements Never Should Have Happened: Experts

A judge allowed prosecutors to put on testimony unrelated to the accusations against former President Donald Trump, igniting concerns about inflaming the jury. This week’s testimony of an adult film actress against former President Donald Trump was headline-grabbing and gasp-inspiring. It also never should have been permitted, legal analysts say. “It’s shameful that the judge

Louisiana Asks Supreme Court to Reinstate Congressional Election Map to Avoid ‘Chaos’

The state claims a lower court’s decision to strike down the redistricting plan constitutes ‘a federal takeover’ of the state’s electoral system. Louisiana officials asked the Supreme Court on May 10 to reinstate a congressional election map after a federal district court ruled upcoming elections may not be conducted under that map which created a