Police Clear Ex-Florida GOP Chairman of Rape Allegations, Seek Video Voyeurism Charge Instead

Authorities are seeking a video voyeurism charge after Christian Ziegler recorded the sexual encounter without the woman’s consent. The former chairman of the Republican Party of Florida (RPOF) was cleared in a police investigation over rape allegations 11 days after party officials voted to oust him from leadership. The Sarasota Police Department (SPD) is asking the

Republican Bill Seeks to Defund World Economic Forum and Block ‘Reset On Our Way of Life’

A new measure introduced by a group of House Republicans seeks to prohibit U.S. funding of the World Economic Forum. A handful of House Republicans have proposed a bill that would prohibit American tax dollars from funding the World Economic Forum (WEF) while criticizing the transnational organization and its goals as misguided, elitist, and “anti-American.”

Progressive Populist Lawyer & Grass-Roots Activist to Contend for Votes in OK

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: CONTACT: Mark D.G. Sanders January 15, 2024 info@sanders4ok.org INDEPENDENT MARK D.G. SANDERS TO CHALLENGE HERN IN OKLAHOMA’S FIRST CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT Progressive Populist Lawyer & Grass-Roots Activist to Contend for Votes Across the Political Spectrum TULSA, OK — Tulsan, Mark David Garcia Sanders, has filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) to