Photo of Biden’s Briefing Book at Q&A Shows He Knew Questions Ahead of Time

A briefing book used by President Joe Biden showed that he had advance knowledge of questions asked during a Friday Q&A.

Following remarks to the U.S. Conference of Mayors, Biden answered questions from the mayors in attendance. One of them, Wausau, Wis., mayor Katie Rosenberg (D.), asked about his plan to tackle the dangers of lead piping. Biden’s briefing book for the event contained both the question and bullet points for his answer, according to a photo capturing a page from the book posted on X.

“[Lead pipes] can damage the brain and kidneys, interfere with production of red blood cells needed to carry oxygen,” the cheat sheet said.

“I set an ambitious goal: remove all lead pipes,” read another note.

Video of the event shows the 81-year-old Biden repeatedly looking to the book and echoing its talking points as he answers the question.

“But my point is, it just is—look, exposure to lead impacts on brain development … it can damage the brain and the kidneys, and interferes with the production of blood—of red blood cells that need to carry the hydrogen,” Biden said.

He also repeated his “ambitious goal,” saying, “We’re going to eliminate every lead pipe in America.”

Biden has previously been caught knowing questions ahead of time. In April, he used a cheat card that had a question from Los Angeles Times reporter Courtney Subramanian, as well as a pronunciation guide for her name.

Original News Source – Washington Free Beacon

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