Super Tuesday exit polls and analysis for the 2024 primaries

CBS News Live

CBS News Live Live

Here’s what’s on the minds of some of today’s GOP primary voters: Trump and Haley voters are looking for different traits in a candidate.

We’ve seen this play out in the earlier contests, and it’s the same in Virginia, North Carolina and California. 

Voters supporting former President Donald Trump want someone who will fight for people like them, while those who support former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley want someone who either shares their values or has the right temperament. 


Immigration and the economy continue to be top of mind for Republican voters

Immigration and the economy are the top issues on voters’ minds.

When asked to pick from a list of four issues, the economy and immigration have outranked abortion and foreign policy in every state where exit polls have been conducted so far.

These issues are also important to voters overall nationwide. 


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