‘Extremely Alarming’ Election Threats Trigger Warning From FBI

Federal officials said that voter databases could be targeted ahead of the 2024 election. An FBI official warned that state election systems are being targeted as the 2024 election approaches, describing them as “extremely alarming.” “The threat environment, unfortunately, is very high,” said Tim Langan, executive assistant director for the Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services

House Budget Chair Jodey Arrington Leads Amicus Brief in Support of Texas in US vs Texas

Federal judges, including those on the nation’s highest court, are likely to decide if state authorities can act to repel an illegal immigrant invasion. Federal officials cannot constitutionally prevent Texas authorities from protecting their citizens against the invasion of illegal immigrants crossing into the Lone Star State at the Rio Grande River that President Joe

House Budget Chair Jodey Arrington Leads Amicus Brief in Support of Texas in US v. Texas

Federal judges, including those on the nation’s highest court, are likely to decide if state authorities can act to repel an illegal immigrant invasion. Federal officials cannot constitutionally prevent Texas authorities from protecting their citizens against the invasion of illegal immigrants crossing into the Lone Star State that President Joe Biden made possible on his

Congressional Lawmakers Point Fingers With Deficit Poised to Skyrocket

The federal budget deficit is projected to increase 60 percent by 2034. With the federal budget deficit projected to soar over the next decade, members of Congress are pointing fingers as to who’s most responsible for the nation’s financial troubles. “I try to be careful not to blame the president for everything, or my Democrat