Mayorkas Impeachment Update: Senators to Be Sworn In as Jurors on April 11

Articles of impeachment against Homeland Security Secertary Alejandro Mayorkas will be presented on April 10, with Senators sworn in as jurors a day later. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) has provided an update on the looming impeachment trial of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, including when the House impeachment managers will present the articles

[PREMIERES 8PM ET] How a ‘Mistake’ Gave 3 Extra Electoral College Votes to Biden | Facts Matter

On Friday’s episode of Facts Matter, we went through and detailed how Republicans in Nebraska are currently in the process of trying to change their state’s Electoral College system into a winner-take-all system. The governor and Nebraska state Senate Republicans are trying to get rid of the current system that they have wherein… Original News

[PREMIERING NOW] How a ‘Mistake’ Gave 3 Extra Electoral College Votes to Biden | Facts Matter

On Friday’s episode of Facts Matter, we went through and detailed how Republicans in Nebraska are currently in the process of trying to change their state’s Electoral College system into a winner-take-all system. The governor and Nebraska state Senate Republicans are trying to get rid of the current system that they have wherein… Original News

How a ‘Mistake’ Gave 3 Extra Electoral College Votes to Biden | Facts Matter

On Friday’s episode of Facts Matter, we went through and detailed how Republicans in Nebraska are currently in the process of trying to change their state’s Electoral College system into a winner-take-all system. The governor and Nebraska state Senate Republicans are trying to get rid of the current system that they have wherein… Original News

Trump Accuses Biden of Unfairly Targeting 71-Year-Old Jan. 6 ‘Hostage’ Who Entered Capitol for 10 Minutes

‘Rebecca Lavrez, also known as the ’J6 Praying Grandma,‘ has been unfairly targeted by Crooked Joe Biden’s DOJ’ Former President Donald Trump has criticized President Joe Biden and the Justice Department for “unfairly” targeting a 71-year-old woman dubbed the “J6 Praying Grandma” who entered the U.S. Capitol for around 10 minutes on Jan. 6, 2021.

Maine a Step Closer to Tying Electoral Votes to National Popular Vote

Maine could become the 17th member of an interstate coalition whose electors back whoever wins the national popular vote. Maine’s legislature has approved a bill that would award its four electoral college votes for U.S. president to whoever wins the majority of the national votes. The Democrat-backed bill was narrowly pushed through the Maine House