2024 State of the Union Address and Republican Response: NTD News Special Coverage

Join NTD’s Steve Lance for live special coverage of President Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address and the Republican response. With a crisis on the southern border, inflation soaring, and global conflicts threatening the free world, President Biden’s job approval is more consequential than ever in this election year. Tune in … Original News

Trump Says Biden’s Border Policies Are a Conspiracy to Grab Power ‘For Generations’

Former President Donald Trump accused President Joe Biden of pushing open border policies to expand the Democrat voter base and stay in power for decades. Former President Donald Trump said Saturday that President Joe Biden’s open border policies amount to a conspiracy to flood the country with illegal aliens and, over time, expand the Democrat

President Trump Cleans Up in Michigan Caucus

President Trump claimed 97.77 percent of the vote in the unofficial results. GRAND RAPIDS, Mich.—After winning the state’s Republican primary on Feb. 27, former President Donald J. Trump has had another decisive victory in unofficial results from the state GOP caucus convention in Grand Rapids. With President Trump claiming much, much more than 50 percent

Trump Cleans Up in Michigan Caucus

President Trump claimed 97.77 percent of the vote in the unofficial results. GRAND RAPIDS, Mich.—After winning the state’s Republican primary on Feb. 27, former President Donald J. Trump has had another decisive victory in unofficial results from the state GOP caucus convention in Grand Rapids. With President Trump claiming much, much more than 50 percent

Romney Admits Trump Did Many Things ‘A Lot’ Better Than Biden but Still ‘Absolutely’ Won’t Vote for Him

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) said that former President Donald Trump made many wise decisions as president and can win in 2024 but the Utah Republican insisted he would “absolutely not” vote for him over President Joe Biden due to “character” and differences on foreign policy. In an appearance on CNN’s “The Source” program on Wednesday,

LIVE 2:10 PM ET: Moms for America 20th Anniversary Celebration—Day 3 Afternoon Program

Moms for America is celebrating its 20th anniversary from Feb. 29 to March 2. The afternoon program on March 2 starts at 1:10 p.m. CT (2:10 p.m. ET). Afternoon Program Speakers Rep. Jodey Arrington (R-Texas) Sarah Lamb Dr. Sebastian Gorka Kimberly Fletcher (Closing Remarks) Pastor Julie Green (Closing Pr… Original News Source Link – Epoch