DFL leaders, Gov. Tim Walz say they have a deal to pay drivers more, keep Uber and Lyft operating in Minnesota after threats to exit

Lawmakers reach a deal over rideshare operations in Minnesota Lawmakers reach a deal over rideshare operations in Minnesota 02:10 ST. PAUL, Minn. — Democrats in charge of the Minnesota Legislature and DFL Gov. Tim Walz late Saturday night announced they reached an agreement that would pay rideshare drivers more per ride, but also keep Uber and

Trump Warns of ‘Death of American Dream’ as Inflation Persists

‘High inflation means high prices, high interest rates, high mortgage rates, and death for the American Dream,’ President Trump said. While rallying in Minnesota, former President Donald Trump redoubled his focus on criticizing soaring inflation on President Joe Biden’s watch, claiming that the price hikes since his rival assumed office are costing the typical family

House Panel Raises Alarm Over China’s Belt and Road Initiative

The committee raised warnings that the CCP is using its Belt and Road Initiative to indebt and then leverage influence over the developing world. The U.S. House Select Committee on Strategic Competition between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) raised warnings on Thursday that the Chinese regime is using its Belt and