Transcript: Sen. Raphael Warnock on “Face the Nation,” March 24, 2024

The following is a transcript of an interview with Sen. Raphael Warnock, Democrat of Georgia, that aired on March 24, 2024. MARGARET BRENNAN: Welcome back to “Face The Nation”. We go now to Georgia Democratic Senator, Reverend Raphael Warnock. He is part of President Biden’s reelection campaign. Good morning, and welcome to Face The Nation.

Serfing the Internet

For as long as there has been “capitalism,” there have been observers predicting its demise—most famously Karl Marx himself, who helped popularize the term. Nearly a century later, James Burnham foresaw a “managerial revolution,” in which control over production would be taken over by a new class of administrators and technocrats, while Joseph Schumpeter prophesied

Infernal Affair

After the filming of Cleopatra, the notorious flop epic that cemented the union of the actors Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor, the Vatican was driven to make a public condemnation of the two, declaring, “You will finish in an erotic vagrancy, without end or without a safe port.” Whether or not this clerical opprobrium lost

Presidential Nominees Biden, Trump Secure Wins in Louisiana Primaries

Voter turnout varied by location for Republicans and Democrats. Presidential nominees President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump both won their respective party’s primary race in Louisiana on Saturday. Both have already secured enough delegates to win their party nominations for the upcoming general election on Nov. 2, although some continue watching the primary

Biden, Trump Secure Wins in Louisiana Primaries

Voter turnout varied by location for Republicans and Democrats. President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump both won their respective party’s primary races in Louisiana on Saturday. Both have already secured enough delegates to be nominated for the upcoming general election on Nov. 2, although some continue watching the primary races for turnout and