Correspondent to Carnage

It’s often the case that the most hard-bitten war correspondents write the most heartbreaking books. That’s because they go to dangerous battle-zones—with their carnage and destruction—to which the more timorous correspondents hesitate to take themselves. And as a consequence, these toughest of reporters see things that others don’t see—others, that is, who aren’t themselves trapped

5 Takeaways from Trump’s March 2 Triumphs

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich.—Republicans across America are picking former President Donald Trump to lead them. March 2 marked another series of electoral wins for President Trump in his quest to secure the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. Some dramatically illustrated just how popular he is with both the base and with Republican caucus-goers, people at the junction

2024 State of the Union Address and Republican Response: NTD News Special Coverage

Join NTD’s Steve Lance for live special coverage of President Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address and the Republican response. With a crisis on the southern border, inflation soaring, and global conflicts threatening the free world, President Biden’s job approval is more consequential than ever in this election year. Tune in … Original News