Florida’s CFO Says State Is on Course to De-Bank Wokeness

More than 100 banks across Florida have signed an agreement to not politically discriminate against customers in exchange for a Qualified Public Depositories (QPD) accreditation. QPD banks are banks “legally allowed to accept public dollars which include state or local government funds.” The announcement was made by state Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis on Jan.

Haley Supporters in New Hampshire Cite Trump as Primary Reason for Support

‘There needs to be a better option other than Donald Trump on the ballot in November,’ said Sharley Raymz of Amherst, N.H. MANCHESTER, N.H.—Ahead of the first-in-the-nation primary in New Hampshire on Jan. 23, supporters of GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley have one common reason for supporting the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations

Political Analysts Weigh In on New Hampshire Primary Following GOP Shake-Up

Conservative and liberal political analysts are increasingly anticipating a presidential election rematch between Trump and Biden in November. Conservative and liberal political analysts are increasingly anticipating a presidential election rematch between former President Donald Trump and incumbent President Joe Biden in November, after President Trump’s 30-point Iowa Caucus victory and the rapid winnowing of the

Biden Admin Spending Billions on Programs to Aid Illegal Immigrants Amid Border Crisis: Watchdog

Ethics concerns about agency’s leadership now added to previous controversy over Office of Refugee Resettlement losing track of 85,000 unaccompanied minors. Expenditures on one of the most controversial federal programs aiding the millions of illegal immigrants and refugees from Afghanistan, Cuba, and Haiti have skyrocketed more than $2 billion in two years, according to a

Trump Still Beats Biden Even If Convicted in Most Criminal Cases: Poll

A new poll shows former President Donald Trump beating President Joe Biden in a 2024 presidential matchup even if he’s convicted in 2 of 3 key criminal cases. Former President Donald Trump would beat President Joe Biden in a hypothetical 2024 presidential matchup even if convicted in two out of three major criminal legal challenges

Davos Elites See Potential Return of Trump as Threat to Global Order

A major news item from across the Atlantic stole the spotlight at this year’s annual summit in Davos, Switzerland, where the world’s wealthiest and most powerful people gathered to address global challenges. Former President Donald Trump’s record-setting victory in Iowa on Jan. 15  became the talk of the town at the World Economic Forum (WEF)