Ted Cruz Endorses Donald Trump for President After ‘Dominating Victory’ in Iowa

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) has endorsed former President Donald Trump as the Republican nominee for the 2024 White House race following his triumph at the Iowa caucuses on Jan. 15
The Texas senator announced his endorsement during an appearance on Fox News with host Sean Hannity where he congratulated President Trump on his “dominating victory” in Des Moines.

“Trump’s victory was across the board,” Mr. Cruz said of President Trump, who won Monday’s caucuses with 51 percent of the vote, securing a 30-point victory over Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who earned 21 percent.

Former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley garnered 19 percent of the vote while biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy came fourth with just under 8 percent.

“At this point, I believe this race is over, so I’m proud to endorse Donald Trump for president of the United States, I look forward to supporting him enthusiastically because I think it’s time for the Republican Party to unite, for us to come together,” Mr. Cruz said.

The Texas Republican said the GOP must defeat President Joe Biden and the “disastrous cultural Marxist agenda in the White House.” He said Americans are worse off today under the current administration, citing ongoing immigration issues and policies that have benefited big tech firms, among others.

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Mr. Cruz said that while the upcoming New Hampshire contest may be closely contested, it was clear that there is “no path to victory other than for Donald Trump.”

“At this point, I think the contrast needs to be on substance and policy and record,” he added.

‘Defeat Biden, Save America’

Mr. Cruz also confirmed his endorsement of President Trump on X (formerly Twitter), where he again urged Republicans to unite against President Biden.

“I am proud to endorse Donald J. Trump for President. Now is the time for us to unite to oust Joe Biden and save our country from the Democrats’ destructive agenda,” he wrote.

“To help us win this fight, please make a donation right now to support me and President Trump as we work together to defeat Joe Biden & Save America. Make a strong statement with your support.”

Mr. Cruz is among more than 20 U.S. senators who have endorsed Trump in the GOP presidential primary, including Senators Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.).
Former President Donald Trump speaks at a watch party during the 2024 Iowa Republican presidential caucuses in Des Moines, Iowa, on Jan. 15, 2024. (Jim Watson/AFP via Getty Images)
Former President Donald Trump speaks at a watch party during the 2024 Iowa Republican presidential caucuses in Des Moines, Iowa, on Jan. 15, 2024. (Jim Watson/AFP via Getty Images)

‘Compelling’ Win in Iowa

The latest endorsement comes after Mr. Cruz previously vowed to wait until hearing from voters in Iowa before casting his endorsement in the presidential race but stressed that the eventual GOP nominee would have his “full support.”

However, his delayed endorsement drew condemnation from President Trump, who took to the social media platform Truth Social in December to warn both Sen. Cruz and Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) to be “very careful” ahead of their own 2024 reelection bids.

Mr. Cruz is running for a third term next year while Mr. Hawley is hoping to secure a second term in office.

“So interesting that the Democrats are looking hard at the Senate races in both Missouri and Texas. Josh and Ted must be very careful, stranger things have happened!!!” President Trump wrote.
Senator Hawley announced his endorsement of President Trump days later.

Speaking to Fox News on Tuesday, Mr. Cruz said he’s a big believer in allowing the voting process to play out.

“It did. And the results last night: 51 percent [of the vote, which included] 98 counties, that’s compelling,” he said of the Iowa caucuses. “[Iowa] was a dominating victory for Donald Trump,” the senator said.

In his victory speech on Monday, President Trump congratulated his rivals and urged both Republicans and Democrats to come together at a crucial time not just in America but in global politics and “straighten out the world.”

Original News Source Link – Epoch Times

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