Top Republican Launches Bid to Succeed Mitch McConnell

Sen. John Thune is currently the second-ranked Senate Republican.

Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) on March 4 officially launched a bid to become the top Republican in the Senate, after the current minority leader announced he would step down.

Mr. Thune told South Dakota outlets that he’s interested in becoming the GOP leader in a vote that will take place after the November elections.

“I hope to be, and I’m going to do everything I can to convince my colleagues,” Mr. Thune told KELOLAND News. “They’re the voters. They’re the ones who ultimately make the decision.”

He added, with references to President Joe Biden and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), “But that as we look at a new generation of consistent, principled, conservative leadership in the United States Senate that empowers our Senate Republicans, that puts a check and balanced against the Schumer, what has been a very liberal Schumer/Biden agenda, I’m prepared to lead that effort.”

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) announced in February he will step down as the top Republican after the elections in November.

Mr. McConnell, 82, has been the GOP leader since 2007.

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Mr. Thune, 63, has been the Senate Republican whip since 2020, following a stint as the third-ranked Republican in the upper chamber.

The longtime senator told Dakota News Now that he ran for another term in the Senate in 2022 in part because he thought Mr. McConnell might be leaving his leadership position.

“I didn’t know for sure when that might happen, but my assumption was that it would at some point and if it did, I wanted to be in a position to take my God-given abilities and skills that I have and put them to their best use and to try and make a difference for the state of South Dakota and for our country. I think that position enables you to do that. You have an opportunity to lead your party in the Senate to try and help your team succeed,” Mr. Thune said.

“To me, so much of leadership is trying to make the people around you better. In my view at least, as I work with fellow Republican Senators and, even for that matter, with Democratic Senators, it’s always with an eye toward, how can we achieve results, success, get outcomes that are good, in my case, certainly, first and foremost for South Dakota, but also for the country?” he added.

Mr. Thune often votes with Mr. McConnell and has largely been aligned with the Kentucky senator. He recently announced his support for former President Donald Trump in the 2024 election, an endorsement he said came after it became clear former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley would not garner enough support to triumph over President Trump in the race for the GOP presidential nomination.

“I think now, it becomes a clear choice, a binary choice. It’s going to be Donald Trump or Joe Biden,” Mr. Thune said. He said that under President Biden, there’s been “open borders,” energy issues, and high prices, while under President Trump there were good policies such as border enforcement and a focus on energy independence.

Senators Announce Support

Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), 72, is the only other Republican senator to formally launch a campaign for the position of GOP Senate leader.

Mr. Cornyn said in a recent announcement, “I’ve built a track record of listening to colleagues and seeking consensus, while leading the fight to stop bad policies that are harmful to our nation and the conservative cause.”

Mr. Cornyn is a former Republican whip who has also served as the attorney general of Texas.

Sens. Markwayne Mullin (R-Okla.) and Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) said over the weekend they’ll be supporting Mr. Thune.

Mr. Mullin said on CNN that Mr. Cornyn and other possible candidates are good people, but “I’m just better friends with Thune.”

“And I have seen his leadership skills move around,” he said. “Even when Mitch was unable to be at the Capitol because of some illnesses, I saw Thune step up in a very effective manner. And what I look for in any position that needs to be in leadership position is someone that can lead in very dangerous and critical times.”

Mr. Rounds said on ABC that Mr. Thune “understands politics” and would bring “a fresh breath.”

“We’ve got some other folks that are going to take a look at it. They are good people. It’s not a matter of having a bad choice out there for those of us in the Senate, but we’ve got some really good choices. I just happen to think John Thune is the right guy at the right time. Great moral character. He’s the right kind of a guy. And I think he will be independent enough to where he will look out also, just like Mitch did, for the institution of the Senate itself,” Mr. Rounds added. “So, I’m optimistic. It’s the reason why I’m supporting him.”

Original News Source Link – Epoch Times

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