WATCH: Jamaal Bowman Reads Excerpts From His Poem About What Really Happened on 9/11

The bombshell audio recording was exclusively obtained by the Washington Free Beacon

Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D., N.Y.) was forced to apologize this week for promoting 9/11 conspiracy theories in a poem he published on his personal blog more than a decade ago. No, we’re not kidding.

In the interest of providing crucial content to this controversy, the Washington Free Beacon exclusively obtained* an audio recording of Bowman reading excerpts from the since-deleted poem, titled “Recapitulate.” Enjoy!

[embedded content]

Planes used as missiles
Target: The Twin Towers

30 minutes later
Both buildings collapsed
Onto themselves

Later in the day
Building 7 Also Collaspsed [sic]

Multiple explosions
Heard before
And during the collapse

Two other planes
The Pentagon
Hijacked by terrorist [sic]
Minimal damage done
Minimal debris found

Watch Loose Change
And Zeitgeist
Then share your thoughts

*This obviously fake recording was generated using artificial intelligence.

Original News Source – Washington Free Beacon

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