Absentee voting guide for Michigan primary election 2022 – Detroit Free Press

Election day poll workers count absentee ballots at the central counting board at the TCF Center in Detroit on August 3, 2021.

In Michigan, all registered voters can cast their votes without having to visit the polls on Election Day thanks to absentee ballots.

Voting absentee is straightforward, but there are important guidelines to follow to ensure your vote is counted. 

Here’s a guide to know how to vote by absentee ballot in the Tuesday, Aug. 2, Michigan statewide primary election (Note: this guide is for absentee ballot voting — voters can still register to vote in person up to and on Election Day):

How to register to vote in Michigan

To successfully vote absentee, Michiganders have to be registered voters. Voter registration status can be checked online at the Michigan Voter Information Center at michigan.gov/vote.

For those currently not registered to vote, voter registration applications can be submitted online with a valid Michigan ID, at a Michigan Secretary of State branch office, at your local township or city clerk’s office, by mail, at a state agency that provides public services or by mail if the application is postmarked at least 15 days before the election.

Individuals can register to vote and request an absentee ballot at the same time at their local clerk’s office.

Officials recommend applying online or in-person closer to Election Day to avoid any complications through the mail.

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How to apply for an absentee ballot in Michigan

Registered voters do not have to provide a reason to apply for an absentee ballot. Voters can get an application online, through the mail, or in person at a local township or city clerk’s office.

Applications can be requested online and through the mail up to 5 p.m. the Friday before Election Day at the Michigan Voter Information Center. 

Voters can request their application to be mailed to them by their local clerk, but again, it’s important to give yourself enough time to receive the application, fill it out and return it to make sure your vote is counted. 

For voters requesting absentee ballot applications in person at their local clerk’s office, they can do so until 4 p.m. the Monday before the election. 

People wait in line to fill out an absentee ballot at the Sterling Heights Senior Center in Sterling Heights on November 2, 2020, for in-person absentee voting.

How to fill out an absentee ballot in Michigan

Once your ballot arrives, it can be filled and returned as soon as you feel comfortable voting.

Since the August election is a statewide primary, it’s important to remember voters can only vote in a single party’s primary. This means if you wanted to cast a vote in the Republican gubernatorial primary, you’d have to cast votes in the other respective Republican primaries on your ballot — otherwise, your ballot would not be counted

Michigan has open primaries, so voters do not have to be a registered member of a political party to vote in that party’s primary. Voters can also vote in a party’s primary in the August election, but vote for a different party come November, should they choose to. 

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A woman places her absentee ballot in a drop box at the Sterling Heights Senior Center in Sterling Heights on Monday, November 2, 2020 during in-person absentee voting.

Returning the absentee ballot in Michigan

Once the ballot is filled out, make sure it’s sealed properly in the secrecy envelope that comes with the ballot. Then, place the ballot in the return envelope and sign the marked area on the outside of the return envelope. Your vote will not be counted if this box is not signed.

Ballots can be returned to local clerks through the mail, in a secure dropbox location or in person at your local clerk’s office. 

The Secretary of State’s office recommends mailing completed ballots to your clerk’s office at least two weeks before Election Day to avoid any issues with the mail. After that, it’s better to return the ballot in person or to a dropbox. 

Some cities and townships have multiple dropbox locations to return ballots. To find a dropbox location, visit the Michigan Voter Information Center and enter the address you are registered to vote at. 

Ballots must be received by your local clerk by 8 p.m. on Election Day to be counted. 

Spoiling an absentee ballot in Michigan

Voters who have submitted their ballots, but want to change their vote for any reason, have the option of spoiling their absentee ballot. 

To spoil an already-submitted absentee ballot, voters must:

  • Sign a written request to their local clerk and indicate if they would like a new absentee ballot mailed to them or if they will pick it up in person at the clerk’s office.
  • Voters have until 5 p.m. on the Friday before Election Day to submit this request through the mail.
  • A voter may submit a request in person at their local clerk’s office to spoil their absentee ballot by 10 a.m. the Monday before Election Day. 
  • Voters who have not returned their absentee ballot and wish to vote in-person on Election Day can surrender their ballot at their polling location. If the ballot has been received by the clerk, it cannot be surrendered or spoiled on Election Day. 

Contact Arpan Lobo: alobo@freepress.com. Follow him on Twitter @arpanlobo.Become a subscriber today.

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