Elizabeth Warren: President Biden “should” run for re-election in 2024 – Axios

President Biden “should be running” for re-election in 2024 and Democrats need to focus on what’s at stake in the midterms this fall, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) told MSNBC in an interview Wednesday.

Why it matters: Her comments come on the heels of a new poll where a majority of Democrats reported they would rather support a new candidate than Biden in a Democratic primary.

  • High inflation and gas prices coupled with low approval ratings have caused headaches for Biden and fueled chatter about a different Democratic nominee atop the 2024 ticket. Concerns about Biden’s age have also played a role.
  • Biden has reiterated on multiple occasions that he plans to run for re-election despite the polling and criticism his administration has faced.

What she’s saying: “We’ve got to stop the catnip about 2024,” Warren said. “We are 100 days out from the midterm.”

  • “If we start getting tangled up on 2024, and fail to pay attention to business in 2022, that is not only going to hurt us in 2022; it is going to bite us on the rear end in 2024,” Warren said. 

The big picture: Democrats will look to “protect voting rights and “make Roe v. Wade the law of the land” if they pick up seats this fall, Warren said.

  • “We can do even more on the climate crisis,” she said. “We can actually make gun safety a priority.”

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