How nauseating Starbucks’ boss only condemns lawlessness when it hits his stores: MEGHAN MCCAIN – Daily Mail

Is there anything that symbolizes smug elitism more than a Starbucks coffee cup?

The green logo stands out like a badge that proves the drinker is part of the club.

Club members are enlightened and progressive. Not like those knuckle-draggers drinking Dunkin’ Donuts.

They know that Republicans are heartless and that they have all the answers.

That’s why it’s so surprisingly to hear Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz – one of the wokest of American executives – announce that he’s shuttering more than a dozen Starbucks stores, because the liberal cities they’re in have become uninhabitable.

Well, well, well… haven’t the progressive chickens have come home to roost!

In newly-released video leaked from a company meeting, Schultz derides the nation’s leaders – from the White House on down – saying, ‘America has become unsafe.’

‘In my view,’ he says, ‘at the local, state, and federal level, these governments across the country and leaders, mayors, and governors and city councils have abdicated their responsibility in fighting crime and addressing mental illness.’

‘It has shocked me,’ he continued, ‘that one of the primary concerns that our retail partners have is their own personal safety… Starbucks is a window into America, we have stores in every community… we are facing things in which the stores were not built for. We’re listening to our people and closing stores, and this is just the beginning. There are going be many more.’

That's why it's so surprisingly to hear Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz (above) – one of the wokest of American executives – announce that he's shuttering more than a dozen Starbucks stores, because the liberal cities they're in have become uninhabitable

That’s why it’s so surprisingly to hear Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz (above) – one of the wokest of American executives – announce that he’s shuttering more than a dozen Starbucks stores, because the liberal cities they’re in have become uninhabitable

Is it too soon to say I told you so?

Conservatives, like me, have been shamed and harassed for years by members of the liberal media and woke-elected class for being cruel, because we advocate for law and order.

But wanting one’s family to feel safe is normal.

It doesn’t make you an unevolved person with no compassion for the most vulnerable in society to feel that way.

It is also normal to believe that there is no justification of any kind for violence or theft.

And up until a few years ago, those were commonly held beliefs in America.

Then came the notorious 2020 summer of hell after the murder of George Floyd.

The mindset shifted among a growing number of increasingly vocal Americans, as radical progressives gaslit many into believing that ‘law and order’ was wrong.

Just type my name and ‘George Floyd riots’ into Google and see what comes out.

See how well my criticism of the looting and rioting went over with the mainstream media and one particularly outraged former neighbor, who works for fringe late night host Samantha Bee.

At the time, it seemed like so many Americans had gone made.

Hard-left progressives advocated for everything from defunding the police to relaxing penalties for people who commit crimes.

If a building was set on fire by a protester that’s the sign of a ”fiery but mostly peaceful protest.’ (Google that to see the infamous CNN graphics)

In newly-released video leaked from a company meeting, Schultz derides the nation's leaders – from the White House on down – saying, 'America has become unsafe.'

In newly-released video leaked from a company meeting, Schultz derides the nation’s leaders – from the White House on down – saying, ‘America has become unsafe.’

'We are facing things in which the stores were not built for. We're listening to our people and closing stores, and this is just the beginning. There are going be many more,' said Schultz

‘We are facing things in which the stores were not built for. We’re listening to our people and closing stores, and this is just the beginning. There are going be many more,’ said Schultz

If someone steals less than $1,000 worth of merchandise from Walgreens or Target, it is fine.

We should look the other way because clearly the people committing the crime need to because America is a wretched place.

The criminals are victims, you see.

And the victims? Well, they are privileged.

Is all of this sounding familiar yet?

Starbucks was an early adopter of these short-sighted policies.

In 2018, the chain opened their bathrooms to customers and non-customers alike, after a Starbucks employee called the police on two Black men, who refused to leave the store after they were denied access to the restroom.

I’m not passing judgement on those men. But didn’t Schultz suspect that his policy – maybe, just maybe – might backfire?

Now it’s not uncommon to go into a Starbucks and see a homeless person doing drugs or passed out on the floor.

And make no mistake, Schultz is no hero for finally calling out progressive leaders and policies that have destroyed cities.

He has only spoken out after the lawlessness started impacting his bottom line.

I don’t recall hearing his influential voice as homicides spiked in cities across the country.

Yeah Howard, it sucks when you want to make money and enjoy the blessings of a free and law-abiding society, but instead your neighborhood descends into mayhem

And it’s not just Starbucks feeling the pinch — its entire city governments.

On Tuesday, New York City Mayor Eric Adams (above) demanded the federal government help pay for what he said was a flood of asylum seekers pouring into the Big Apple

On Tuesday, New York City Mayor Eric Adams (above) demanded the federal government help pay for what he said was a flood of asylum seekers pouring into the Big Apple

In New York City and Washington D.C., social services are being strained by the influx of illegal immigrants.

Border states leaders, who have grown sick and tired of fighting a tidal wave of immigration without the help of the federal government, have decided to bus these people north.

On Tuesday, New York City Mayor Eric Adams demanded the federal government help pay for what he said was a flood of asylum seekers pouring into the Big Apple.

D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser appeared on television Sunday morning to say her city’s homeless shelters are filling up because of the busloads of desperate people.

Part of this is obviously due to the relaxed immigration policies of the Biden Administration and the progressive demand for seemingly open borders.

But again — Democratic mayors didn’t sound the alarm until it became a blue state problem, instead of an issue that only impacted my home state of Arizona and other border states.

It turns out not everything in life is as simple as it sounds in a political science class at Oberlin College.

This is real life we are talking about.

Conservatives and independents (heck everyone except these wild progressives) are not cruel.

We are realistic.

It didn’t take much to look into the future and see that allowing crime to go unpunished and allowing the border to go unsecured would lead to problems.

So here we are – CEOs and liberal leaders are looking around at each other dumbfounded. They thought that simply believing in a utopian society – would make it happen.

It’s a bitter cold brew blast of reality.

Progressivism drags society backwards.

Full stop.

Don’t look at me though, I’m just the big, bad conservative who wants your family to feel safe when you’re buying a cup of coffee.

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