WATCH: This business owner supports female athletes – Campus Reform

Directional Force founder Chris Gowen is using his influence as a business leader to advocate for fairness and integrity in women’s sports.

Directional Force, an athletic apparel company that embodies perseverance and determination, vocally opposes male athletes competing in women’s sports.

Gowen became immersed in controversy after partnering with World Champion Track & Field athlete, Cynthia Monteleone, who is an outspoken advocate for banning men from competing in women’s sports.

“I told her ‘absolutely, I stand behind you 100% and the company stands behind you’,” Gowen explained to Campus Reform.

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After expressing his opinion publicly, ‘bots’ targeted the company’s advertisements and social media platforms. Transgender activists also targeted Gowen’s social media with alleged “vile” comments.

The attacks are worth the risk, according to Gowen.

“I can’t sleep at night if I don’t stand up and voice my opinion for this issue,” he asserted.

“There’s always this pendulum, [and] I think that pendulum will swing and people will actually seek out brands like mine and say ‘we’re against this woke agenda that they’re trying to shove down our throats,” Gowen continued. 

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Arguments over biological males competing in women’s sports arose after University of Pennsylvania swimmer, Lia Thomas, who was born a male and had been swimming in mens’ competitions years prior, won a national title at the NCAA Women’s Swimming Championships. 

Competitors like Thomas are emboldened by the Biden administration, which announced its revised plan for Title IX will include gender identity as a protected class. 

Gowen hopes “to sponsor more women who are for the women’s category… [and] encourage more people to stand their ground on this issue.”

Watch the full interview in the video above.

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