According to CNN, 70% of Haley’s ‘GOP’ Votes Were Not from the GOP

Quick update: Trump is the projected winner of the Republican Primary in New Hampshire Tuesday night :

The GOP wants Republicans to vote in their primary to get a representation of the party- and that makes sense, so it is surprising when someone who is supposed to be the GOP sweetheart has to get votes from outside the party.. such as Nikky Haley apparently did in New Hampshire.

Trump is going to welcome voters in the general election, of course, but tonight, the question is how the big-money Republicans are going to justify pumping money into a candidate that doesn’t represent Republicans/

The news comes from CNN, which makes Haley look like she needs to hang up her aspirations for POTUS and join MAGA:

CNN’s exit polls show that 70% of Nikki Haley voters are NOT registered Republicans.— Nicholas Fondacaro (@NickFondacaro) January 24, 2024

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