In a powerful conversation on Tuesday between Steve Bannon and Ben Bergquam, the two talked about the disturbing reality of illegal immigration in the U.S. and the role U.S. foreign aid plays in fueling the crisis. With Bergquam on the ground and Bannon adding his insights, the discussion unveiled how money flows from U.S. taxpayers into the hands of cartels and left-wing politicians, exacerbating the ongoing border disaster.
Ben Bergquam Reports On NJ And NY Immigration Operations
Bergquam, who has spent years covering the southern border, kicked off the conversation by giving an update on current ICE operations. “In New York alone, there are 58,000 criminal illegal aliens that ICE is going after,” Bergquam said, outlining the scale of the problem. “And in New York City alone, over 700,000 illegals are set for deportation, but ICE can’t even catch them all yet.”
“This is not accidental. This is well controlled with our tax dollars,” Bergquam said. He pointed out that U.S. taxpayer money is being used to fund the very operation that brings illegal immigrants into the country, a scheme involving leftist politicians and cartels. “We’re funding our own destruction,” he said.
As Bergquam continued, the frustration with the system became clear. “These routes are controlled by the cartels,” he said. “When we were in Costa Rica, I saw signs showing illegals the route they need to take to get to the U.S. And guess what? They have to pay the cartel to use those routes.”
Bannon agreed, highlighting the role of the U.S. government in enabling this crisis. “It’s a direct operation between the Secretary of Homeland Security, Secretary Blinken, and these welcoming centers,” Bannon said, noting that these “centers” are essentially breeding grounds for illegal immigration. “It’s coming back to invade our country.”
The conversation then shifted to transparency and accountability. Bannon, echoing the sentiments of many conservatives, called for radical transparency. “We need to trace where every penny is going,” he said, referring to government funds that are allegedly supporting the illegal immigration crisis. “We need to know where every bus, every food shipment, and every dollar is going. All of it needs to be exposed.”
Bergquam agreed with Bannon’s push for transparency. “We need to track the money. We need to find out where it’s all going and who’s getting rich off of this,” he said. “It’s time to hold these people accountable.”
The duo also made it clear that they believe politicians have a hand in the crisis. “We need investigations into the politicians involved,” Bergquam said. “How many of them are criminally involved with the cartels? We need to find out.”
Their frustrations weren’t just with the federal government, though. Bergquam, who is known for his tough stance on sanctuary cities, made a bold call. “We need to cut off all funding to sanctuary cities,” he said. “If you’re going to resist the law, here’s how much money you’re going to get: zero. Cut them off, choke them out of money.”
Bannon and Bergquam also discussed the challenges ICE faces in dealing with sanctuary cities. “ICE is fighting this war with their hands tied behind their backs,” Bergquam said, calling for the agency to be fully unleashed to do its job.