Border Non-Profit Calls Police to Keep Bergquam from Reporting on The Group’s Profiteering: Who Has Rights Here?

Unveiling Controversy: Non-Profit Calls Police on Journalist at Tucson Airport; Police worried about protecting illegal invaders from having their privacy exposed over the rights of the American press to report on illegal activity.

Key Point: Casa Alitas- an arm of Catholic Charites who were escorting illegals through the airport and called the police on a journalist- who was doing his job. Video below.

In a bizarre turn of events at the Best Western Tucson Airport, a non-profit organization found itself at the center of controversy when they called the police on a journalist capturing footage of what Real America’s Voice, Ben Bergquam, claimed to be suspicious activities at the airport.

In Photo: Bergauam shows a sign in the security area that directs “Non-US citizens without Passports” to enter a particular line:

Bergquam is host of a popular show about the illegal invasion of the US: LAW AND BORDER

The unfolding drama sheds light on the issues surrounding undocumented flights and the transportation of individuals without proper documentation.

The incident began innocently enough, with Bergquam expressing concern about the increasing number of flights carrying illegal immigrants, and he provided a running commentary on the situation, alleging that mainstream media was neglecting to cover the issue.

Bergquam highlighted the influx of individuals without proper documentation boarding flights, emphasizing the potential security risks.

As the camera panned across the check-in line at American Airlines, Bergquam engaged with various passengers, questioning their origins and destinations. The video captured a mosaic of responses, revealing diverse nationalities and destinations, fueling claims of a systemic issue.

The situation became contentious when a representative from a non-profit organization called Casa Alitas confronted Bergquam. The tension escalated as Bergquam accused Casa Alitas of being involved in human trafficking and profiting from transporting individuals without proper documentation. The Casa Alitas representative, in turn, threatened to call the police on Bergquam for filming individuals in the airport.

The unfolding confrontation highlighted the ethical dilemma journalists face when documenting public spaces.

Bergquam argued to the police officer who responded to the call from the NGO that his actions fell under the protection of the First Amendment, asserting his right to film in a public place. On the other hand, the officer is heard saying that filming individuals’ private documents violated their rights and warranted police intervention.

The footage also raises concerns about how illegal invaders have the same civil liberties as American citizens do- which are better protected.

Bergquam, undeterred, continued to assert his rights and deny any wrongdoing. The situation reached a boiling point when the airport police arrived to address the conflicting claims and defended his actions as a legitimate exercise of his journalistic rights, while Casa Alitas insisted that private documents were at risk.

The airport police attempted to mediate the situation, emphasizing the need for a balance between First Amendment rights and the protection of individuals’ privacy.

Bergquam maintained that he had not filmed any private documents and was merely exercising his right to document a public space. The standoff continued as both parties stood their ground, highlighting the complexities surrounding the intersection of journalism, public spaces, and individual privacy.

The incident at the Best Western Tucson Airport serves as a microcosm of the broader debates surrounding immigration, journalistic freedoms, and the ethical considerations involved in reporting on sensitive issues. As the controversy unfolds, it prompts a deeper reflection on the delicate balance between the public’s right to know and the protection of individual privacy in a world where every action is potentially under the scrutiny of a camera lens.

Check out Bergqum’s footage:


To highlight what a real problem we have in the United States with the open borders, US Reps. consider a journalist asking questions- to be a “National Security threat”:

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Here is some more of our coverage of the problems at the US Border:

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