Breaking: Kari Lake Asks AZ Supreme Court to Look at New SLOG Evidence that Shows Election Irregularities

Kari Lake’s attorneys have submitted a petition to the Arizona Supreme Court, challenging the 2022 gubernatorial election results. They argue significant failures in Maricopa County’s vote center tabulators led to massive ballot rejections and alleges that required pre-election testing was not performed. Additionally, they claim the signature verification process for early ballots was inadequately conducted at unrealistic speeds, undermining its credibility. Their case is bolstered by new evidence from extensive SLOG-file analysis, revealing unannounced tabulator testing and prior knowledge of potential issues by election officials. They seek judicial intervention to rectify these election integrity concerns and prevent future occurrences.

Lake is challenging the 2022 Arizona gubernatorial election results. They argue that nearly two-thirds of Maricopa County’s vote center tabulators failed, rejecting over 7,000 ballots every thirty minutes and that there was no pre-election logic and accuracy testing as required. They claim Maricopa knew about the impending tabulator issues but did nothing to fix them. Additionally, they allege that the signature verification process for early ballots was conducted at impossibly high speeds, undermining its validity. They seek relief from judgment and intervention from the court to address these election integrity issues and prevent future occurrences.

“There is no question, Democrats stole the AZ elections from President Trump in 2020 and from Kari Lake in 2022. I was there for both of them and I actually think 2022 was even more blatant. We visited multiple polling locations on Election Day and almost all of them had hours long waits or people were simply being told to come back later because the printers were down. Thousands of Lake voters had their votes suppressed. It was clearly an intentional strategy to depress the day-of-vote because democrats knew that’s when Kari Lake voters were coming out. And that was only part of their strategy; just like in 2020, there was almost zero signature verification on the mail-in ballots which highly favoring the democrats, not to mention zero oversight on the machines,” Ben Bergquam, a Real America’s Voice correspondent, said referring to the Lake situation.


Lake and her attorneys say they have new evidence that needs to be addressed by the court, citing the SLOG-file analysis from the data, as the new evidence showing that Maricopa County did not perform required pre-election testing on voting equipment, altered tabulators by installing new memory cards, conducted unannounced testing revealing ballot rejection errors, and had advance notice of these issues impacting Election Day. This evidence was uncovered after extensive analysis by Lake’s team, involving over thirty million data lines.

Slog data has been a topic of discussion for months:

Lake, the plaintiff-appellant, is contesting the election results against Katie Hobbs personally and as a contestee. The defendants-appellees include Adrian Fontes in his capacity as Secretary of State, Stephen Richer as Maricopa County Recorder, members of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (Bill Gates, Clint Hickman, Jack Sellers, Thomas Galvin, Steve Gallardo), Scott Jarrett as Maricopa County Director of Elections, and the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors collectively.

Lake’s attorneys filed issues for review, alleging Maricopa County failed to perform required pre-election testing on vote-center tabulators, leading to widespread ballot rejections on Election Day. They claim Maricopa knew about the issues but did nothing. They also argue that signature verification for early ballots was conducted at impossibly high speeds, undermining the process’s validity. They seek relief from judgment, asserting these failures constitute misconduct and warrant intervention to address election integrity.

Bergquam talked about the situation further and what he expects to see unfold, saying:

“What concerns me now is almost nothing has been done to prevent it from happening again in 2024 and now you have a Governor, Katie ‘Fraud’ Hobbs and a Secretary of Stare, Adrian ‘El Chapo’ Fontes who are owned by the Sinaloa Cartel running the election. Once again we’re left hoping that the AZ Supreme Court will do something to rectify the sins of the past and prevent the same thing from happening again. I pray that they do, but I won’t hold my breath.

If we don’t take this country back in 2024 I’m afraid it may be lost for ever, but I am still praying that there are enough men and women righteousness courage to help save this nation. This time it is up to We The People to show up in such overwhelming numbers that they can’t cheat enough to steal it. If you love America as much as I do, it is up to you/us to get everyone we know to vote #MAGA in November and pray that the AZ Supreme Court or the US Supreme Court have the courage to do what’s right between now and then…”

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