Danger and Chaos at the DNC: Bergquam and Newsome Expose Antifa Agitation and Revolutionary Agendas

The first day of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago erupted into chaos as conservative independent media correspondent Ben Bergquam and Terry Newsome, a fellow commentator, captured unsettling scenes of what they describe as orchestrated agitation by far-left groups. The pair, who have been vocal critics of left-wing extremism, provided a firsthand account of the events, shedding light on what they believe to be a coordinated effort to incite violence and disrupt the convention.

As the scene unfolded, Bergquam and Newsome found themselves amidst a crowd brandishing flags and banners representing the “Revolutionary Communists of America” and the “New Democrat Party, Socialist Alternative.”

These symbols of radical leftist ideologies set the tone for what was to come. Bergquam, known for his unfiltered commentary, didn’t hesitate to point out the disturbing implications of these groups’ presence, asserting that they support illegal immigration and Palestinian causes, often using these issues to rally against law enforcement and the American system.

One of the most concerning aspects was the presence of men with foreign accents using bullhorns to agitate the crowd. According to Bergquam, their intent was clear: to provoke violence that could be blamed on the police, thereby justifying retaliatory aggression against law enforcement.

“They’re creating agitation here, and then they’re going to say it was the cops so they can justify being violent to the police,” Bergquam explained as he documented the unfolding events.

His observations were corroborated by the chaotic scene, where some attendees—likely organizers—appeared confused and disoriented as others called for the “Green hats,” a reference to legal observers often seen at protests.

The situation escalated when a woman in the crowd was heard saying that someone had overdosed. In response, people with banners quickly formed a makeshift curtain to hide whatever was happening from view, further adding to the confusion and tension. The sound of helicopters overhead only heightened the sense of disorder, as people were seen changing their clothes—some into outfits resembling those of foreign guerrilla fighters, with faces and heads covered.

Moments later, the scene took a more ominous turn. Bergquam filmed participants easily dismantling a perimeter safety fence, shouting, “The DNC is right there!” This action seemed to confirm Bergquam’s earlier suspicions of a coordinated effort to breach security measures. Newsome, reflecting on the footage they captured, stated, “We have video of the violent Antifa agitating their own to get them to follow tearing down the Secret Service fence after they were seen swapping out a layer of clothing.”

Newsome further explained that the group, which had initially been expected to loop back to Union Park, was deliberately diverted to the Secret Service barrier by what he described as “violent Antifa folks.” This revelation shed light on the true intentions of the agitators: to create a flashpoint for violence at the heart of the DNC.

Bergquam, as he continued filming, noted how some individuals in the crowd tried to appear as innocent bystanders after facilitating the breach of the fence. “Right behind me, they went and opened the gate. And now they’re acting like they’re innocent bystanders,” he remarked, emphasizing the premeditated nature of the actions.

The footage captured by Bergquam and Newsome paints a troubling picture of the forces at play during the DNC. Their commentary highlights the lengths to which radical groups may go to disrupt political events and provoke violence, all while hiding behind a façade of peaceful protest. As Bergquam succinctly put it, “They’re setting it up for the next wave to break through—all coordinated.” The events of that night serve as a stark reminder of the volatile undercurrents that can surface during times of political tension, and the need for vigilance in the face of such orchestrated chaos.


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