Government Shutdown Looms Over SAVE Act as ‘America First’ Push for Proof-of-Citizenship Voting Requirements

The push for stricter proof-of-citizenship voting requirements before the November election is causing tension as Congress works to prevent a government shutdown by the end of September. With the establishment politics rearing it’s ugly head in DC- Americans can not even be first in our own elections anymore.

Conservatives in the House advocate for including the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act in a continuing resolution (CR) needed to fund the government beyond September 30.

The SAVE Act, introduced by Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas), aims to bar noncitizens from voting by requiring states to obtain proof of citizenship for voter registration and to remove noncitizens from voter rolls. However, this move is likely to face resistance from the Democrat-controlled Senate and could lead to a government shutdown if not resolved.

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) has indicated that discussions about the SAVE Act are ongoing and that many House Republicans support its inclusion.

However, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and some House Republicans oppose attaching such a partisan measure to a CR, fearing it could be blocked in the Senate. The Biden administration has also promised to veto the SAVE Act, arguing that it could disenfranchise eligible voters and that noncitizens are already barred from voting in federal elections.

Congressman Nathaniel Moran recently urged the Senate to pass the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act after the House passed the bill with a 221-198 vote.

Moran emphasized the importance of the legislation on social media, highlighting its role in maintaining election integrity. While the House passed the bill, the Senate has yet to vote on it. The White House opposes the SAVE Act, arguing it would make it more difficult for eligible voters to register and would not add any real safeguards to federal elections. The bill is currently on the Senate Legislative Calendar, awaiting further action.

There is a divide within the GOP on whether to extend government funding into 2025 or to push for a shorter-term solution. Some conservatives see the inclusion of the SAVE Act in a stopgap measure as leverage for future negotiations, while others are wary of complicating the funding process with controversial policy riders.

The outcome of this debate will significantly impact government funding and the political landscape heading into the 2024 elections.

Here is the SAVE Act:

H.R.8281 – SAVE Act

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