Haley and Pelosi Share a Brain Cell About President Trump’s New Hampshire Triumph

Time to compare and contrast, Naughty Nikky Haley and Nasty Nancy Pelosi because they are obviously on the same team. Here are the talking points from the opponents of President Donald J. Trump from Tuesday night, after he secured his second historic victory this month at the polling booths.

Flashback.. first a little flashback to when politics was this nasty before (2008) are Trump’s opponents gaslighting the American public again (yes):

Trump won the Iowa Primary:

THEN another victory in New Hampshire:

So why did Haley do a victory lap? Notice what Haley said when she pretended that she won.


Nikki Haley during her fake victory speech told audiences than President Trump lacked mental fitness to serve the American people.

Isn’t it weird that Nancy Pelosi said the same thing on leftist TV?


Around the same time that radical Nancy Pelosi said the same thing about President Trump:

Stay in the fight, MAGA. The administrative state who are trying to keep ahold of their government jobs and the personal perks are lying to you again..

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