Housing Illegals: Taxpayer-Funded ‘Welcome Corps’ Celebrates, While Crime Strangles the American Way of Life

The Department of State, in partnership with the Department of Health and Human Services, celebrated the first anniversary of the Welcome Corps—a private sponsorship program empowering Americans to welcome refugees through the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP). Over 15,000 Americans have applied to sponsor more than 7,000 refugees, surpassing the program’s first-year goal.

According to their BIO, the Welcome Corp is “a new program that empowers everyday Americans to come together to sponsor refugees privately. Non-governmental & Nonprofit Organization welcomecorps.org, which is promoted by the US Government.

And they are in partnership with other groups like IRAP:

So, while the public is concerned about stories of how illegal immigration is impacting their lives,  like a recent Fox News investigation showing that a Chicago suburb, Oak Brook, has experienced a series of crimes committed by migrants from or near Chicago during a period from Oct 23 to Jan 17, the government wants Americans to adopt a “refugee.”

The government is welcoming more illegals here. 

Fox reported that during that period in 2023, 47 migrants were arrested, mainly for property crimes. Incidents include an Ecuadorian migrant accused of stealing over $3,000 worth of merchandise and cutting off his electronic monitoring device. It has caused panic and problems in that community over safety.

People should be on high alert to protect their families because what we know from Ben Bergquam’s investigations is that no one is vetting the illegals who are coming into the United States. Many of them are starting their lives all over again here- without proper ID- so we do not know who these people are.

And they could be terrorists: 

Crossed Iranian Terrifying Warning: ‘Islam,Biden and Democrats are National Security Threats!’ Trump vs. Biden Insights Revealed, Must-Watch!

The police, dealing with these problems firsthand, have emphasized the need for collaboration with federal partners to address these criminal cases. The article mentions other cases involving Venezuelan migrants and highlights efforts to combat organized retail crime, as we covered recently in a story from September 2023:

Crime Hurts: Video Shows Store Owners are Hiding Inventory in New York City Shops Because of Increase in Crime

 The media is finally starting to cover the broader migrant crisis and how illegals are being flown into sanctuary cities, including Chicago and New York City, as Bergquam has covered for a couple of years now:

But the government isn’t acknowledging those problems; the government wants Americans to celebrate their great new idea of pressuring other Americans into ignoring the growing criminal activity- and be lulled into a false sense of security. Hence, they let illegals live with them and their families. 

And we know that the NGOs are making a lot of money off of the massive transformation of the United States who is being burdened with so many homeless illegals, as in this investigation by Joseph Trimmer:


Yet the Government persists in acting like this is normal.

Here is some frightening information about what Americans are paying the government to do:

The Department of State, in collaboration with the Department of Health and Human Services, is pleased to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the Welcome Corps, our private sponsorship program that empowers everyday Americans to welcome refugees arriving through the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP). Welcome Corps sponsors support refugees’ resettlement and integration as they build new lives in the United States. Through this service opportunity, more than 15,000 Americans have already applied to sponsor more than 7,000 refugees through the Welcome Corps, exceeding our mobilization goal for the program’s first year.

In the Welcome Corps’ first year:

  • More than 100 sponsor groups from 32 states have signed up to be matched with refugees in need of resettlement support. Sponsors welcomed the first refugee arrivals on World Refugee Day in June 2023 and have since welcomed nearly 100 refugees from around the world.
  • More than 68,000 individuals from across the country have signed up to learn more about refugee sponsorship through the Welcome Corps, and nearly 50,000 have attended information sessions and completed training.
  • The Department of State introduced the Welcome Corps on Campus, a higher education sponsorship initiative that enables U.S. colleges and universities to play a leading role in resettling refugee students.
  • In September, we made it possible for sponsors to indicate the characteristics of refugees they are best able to support, expressing preference for speakers of specific languages, nationalities, or family size. For example, sponsors from veterans’ organizations can indicate a specific interest in sponsoring Afghan or Iraqi refugees, or Returned Peace Corps Volunteers can sponsor refugees from their country of service.
  • The Welcome Corps recently expanded to make it possible for Americans to apply to refer specific refugees for resettlement in the United States directly to the USRAP. More information on how Americans can sponsor a refugee they know, including refugee eligibility criteria, is available on WelcomeCorps.org.

In 2024, the Department of State will launch a labor sponsorship pathway called Welcome Corps at Work, through which skilled refugees can be matched with U.S. employers in industries such as hospitality, healthcare, and technology. With a job offer in hand, these refugees will be referred to the USRAP and receive support upon arrival from private sponsors in the community of their employer.

In its second year, the Welcome Corps is asking even more sponsors to answer the call to welcome refugees and change lives, including their own. To learn more about the Welcome Corps, to sign up for updates, or to find information about becoming a sponsor, please visit WelcomeCorps.org.

About the Welcome Corps

The Welcome Corps is one of the many ways we are expanding our capacity to provide a new beginning to more refugees and meeting the Biden Administration’s goal of admitting 125,000 refugees in Fiscal Year 2024. In groups of five or more, adult U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents support refugees in building new lives in the United States by securing and preparing initial housing, greeting refugees at the airport, enrolling children in school, helping adults find employment, and forging ties to their new communities. All refugees arriving in the United States through the Welcome Corps have successfully completed all steps in the U.S. government refugee resettlement process, including passing extensive security screening and other vetting. By virtue of their refugee status, they are authorized to work and have access to key public benefits. They can eventually apply for lawful permanent residence and U.S. citizenship. Access to the USRAP and support from the Welcome Corps is free of charge for refugees. Refugees should not pay anyone to refer their case to the U.S. government or to be matched with private sponsors.

The Welcome Corps was launched by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) in January 2023. The Department funds a consortium of non-profit organizations with expertise in refugee resettlement, protection, and integration to implement the Welcome Corps under a cooperative agreement.

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More of our coverage of the disaster from the UN-Democrat push for migration:

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