Illegals in San Diego Try to HiJack School Buses Full of Children- Spark Concern and Political Outcry

In a concerning series of events in San Diego County, California, a group of illegals attempted to board two school buses full of elementary and middle school children from the Jamul-Dulzura Union School District. According to a Fox News broadcast, these incidents occurred on separate routes along Highway 94 and have raised alarm among local authorities and parents.

The first incident occurred when a group of illegals tried to board a school bus while it was en route to Oak Grove Middle School and the primary school in the district. As reported by the district superintendent, Liz Bystedt, the bus was on its regular route when the illegals approached, leading to an immediate alert to the Border Patrol, California Highway Patrol (CHP), and the Sheriff’s Office. The superintendent swiftly communicated with parents, informing them of the incident and the steps being taken to ensure the safety of the students.

A second, similar incident took place the previous afternoon in a nearby area on another route. The details provided by Fox News indicate that the illegals attempted to stop the bus, prompting further involvement from local and federal authorities. The Superintendent emphasized the district’s heightened alertness following these incidents, instructing bus drivers to avoid stopping if they encounter any group of migrants at a bus stop. Instead, they are to proceed to the next stop to prevent any further confrontations.

The response from the district has been swift and cautious, prioritizing the safety of students and staff. “For the safety of everyone, if a driver sees a group of migrants at a bus stop, they will drive past it and move on to the next,” Bystedt explained, highlighting the district’s proactive measures in response to these incidents. This directive aims to avoid potentially dangerous situations and ensure the well-being of the children during their commute.

Fox News further reported that the incidents have sparked political commentary, with criticisms directed at the current administration’s handling of border security. The news outlet quoted statements attributing responsibility to Border Czar Kamala Harris and President Biden, alleging that their policies have led to increased risks in communities near the border.

The broadcaster stated, “This is what we mean when we say, ‘Elections have consequences, but STOLEN elections have catastrophic consequences.’ Pray for all the kids who will now be fearing for their lives because Kamala Harris and Biden decided to import millions of dangerous illegals into their neighborhoods.”

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