Supporters of Donald Trump, including Real Ameria’s Voice, Ben Bergquam, see the trial in New York City as a politically motivated attack against the former president. They view the media’s coverage as biased, portraying it as eagerly anticipating Trump’s downfall.
Bergquam reported live from the trial scene on Monday morning, as opening statements were slated to begin there, and said that for the “Persecuters” their hopes for the trial were not only to discredit Trump but also to hinder his ability to campaign effectively.
Supporters of Trump’s America First agenda argue that the trial is part of a more considerable effort by Democrats to delegitimize Trump and pave the way for widespread unrest and a continuation of what Bergquam said was a previous “coup” against him.
President Trump made comments along those lines Monday morning before trial started:
Bergquam pointed out in his Monday report that the prosecution’s choice of witnesses and alleged failure to inform Trump of trial developments further cement the belief that the trial is unjust.
He accused the judiciary and prosecution of corruption and questioned the trial’s fairness. Bergquam slammed the mainstream media outlets as complicit in spreading a narrative designed to undermine Trump’s reputation and presidency.
Supporters of Trump find solace in alternative news sources like Real America’s Voice, which they perceive as more truthful and unbiased than corporate media. MAGA sees the trial as emblematic of broader societal divisions, with righteousness and loyalty to Trump equated with loyalty to the values of the United States of America.
For them, the trial is not just about legal proceedings but also a battleground for the soul of the country.
Watch Bergquam’s footage:
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