Media Says Biden is Impotent: Johnson Should Force Border Security in Budget Negotiations As a Mandate- War Room

Despite its complexity and technological advancements, Washington, D.C., remains accountable to the people. This is why the War Room urged its audience on Saturday to pressure DC and demand Speaker Johnson to compel President Biden to address the Southern Border crisis in the upcoming budget process.

Because, as Bannon says- Joe Biden doesn’t have the support he said he has – therefore, he has no mandate.

“I love a good fight,” Bannon said on Saturday, introducing the upcoming battle for Johnson and Biden’s $7.3 trillion budget proposal for fiscal year 2025.

During the 3/16 program, Bannon discussed various pressing issues for Americans, including Haiti’s migration surge, Democrat Party corruption, and the overlooked threat of emerging AI. He believes these topics are central to the War Room’s mission of shedding light on neglected issues.

Bannon talks daily to his audience on the War Room, or his GETTR account, calling his followers “The Vanguard,” and he points out their place in the “timeline of humanity”:

vanguard (noun) · vanguards (plural noun)

  1. a group of people leading the way in new developments or ideas: “the experimental spirit of the modernist vanguard”
    • a position at the forefront of new developments or ideas: “the prototype was in the vanguard of technical development.”
  2. the foremost part of an advancing army or naval force

War Room Tools for the Vanguard:

Recommended Reading/ Watching list from this episode:

The Hill, “Democrats in survival mode rebuilding Biden’s 2020 coalition”

Seamafor, “China is falling behind US in AI race, Chinese premier warned“

Project 2025

Made in China Project 2025

Peter Schweitzer: Clinton Cash

The Bible

 Ray Kurzweil ,The Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology

Joe Rogan interview Ray Kurzweil

Elon Musk Tweet

Reference to Ben Collin’s Tweet

New York Post Article, Citing Todd Bensman’s book: “Biden’s dirty deal sold out Haitian democracy for migrant deportations, former envoy says“

Segments for Saturday, March 16, 2024:

First segment:

In the War Room opening, Bannon discussed the Biden team’s scrambling post-election, suggesting discrepancies in vote counts. He labeled Project 2025 as “Duck and Cover” or “Plan B.” Bannon emphasized the urgency of the 2020 election’s impact and criticized Biden’s policies, particularly on border security. He highlighted Trump’s unexpected return and stressed the need to pressure Biden on border issues.

Second segment opened with Jeffrey Toobin’s commentary about crumbling lawfare again.

“They are in panic. Toobin, along with the article, shows that. The election was stolen. That is central to the story’s arc,” Bannon cited a New York Times article.

The stolen election is the “inciting incident,” Bannon explained.

Guest: Todd Bensman Book: Overrun

Bensman and Bannon analyzed the significance of a photo on a book cover, exposing vulnerabilities in the Biden administration’s PR as it depicted a Haitian migrant camp invasion. They discussed the administration’s response, attributing it to the origin of a program to fly migrants into the country and influence elections. Bensman also highlighted the repercussions of the State Department’s involvement in scuttling Haiti’s elections, leading to current uprisings.

The third segment continued with Bensman and moved into the alarming growth rate of Artificial Intelligence.

Bannon mentioned an article by Bensman in the New York Post, excerpted his book, and discussed these very elections.

“They had to eliminate the elections, which was squashing elections.”

29:00 â€“ IMPORTANT FOUNDATION—Bannon parallels his involvement in the 2016 Trump campaign, his previous work promoting a book by Peter Schweizer called Clinton Cash, and ongoing themes in current events, revealing patterns within the administrative state, including issues like the current obsession with Ukraine.

He criticized Democrats for their selective championing of democracy, alleging they undermine it when convenient. Additionally, Bannon discusses the consequences of the Biden administration’s parole program, citing a crime involving an illegal immigrant accused of raping a child. Bensman remarks on the administration’s treatment of Haitians since the exposure of the migrant camp, particularly concerning the program to fly them into the country, bypassing scrutiny at the border.

“The administration is saying that these people are vetted and flown in, but that is not true,” Bensman said. This is a failed state, so these people are not vetted, and neither are the people being flown in from other countries because they can not do that. There is no history on them to check.”

Bannon added that the people of Haiti hate Clinton and Biden and talked about why Haiti is a failed state.

“The Biden regime will allow as many Haitians into the US as possible to avoid the optics of this failed state,” Bannon said.

The conversation between the two went on into the flight programs with Haiti’s criminals coming to the US directly from prisons that have been opened.

“Everything in the book has come to fruition because they avoided these elections,” Bensman said.

Fourth segment opened with a clip from Gladstone AI, which discussed Chat GPT and Frontier labs and the safety and security of AI.

Bannon emphasized the need to understand various interconnected aspects of reality, highlighting the story of Semafor as the US surpasses China in AI development. He introduced the concept of “Excellerationists” and warned about the implications of what he terms “Techno feudalism.” Bannon pointed out a government report linking these ideas to Joe Biden’s executive order, setting the stage for Joe Allen’s appearance.

Quest: Joe Allen Book: Dark Aeon

Allen talked about the danger of AI creating something with a “higher authority than human beings and what the end consequnces for humans, and people trying to slow this down are the wise ones.”

“100 years from now this will be known politically as the age of Trump, but also as a spiritual war; Accelerationists like Peter Theil and Elon Musk will summon demons to stalk the Earth,” Bannon warned, explaining his deep interest in Allen’s reporting and book.

Fifth segment:

Continuing with Joe Allen and Bannon’s warning about the convergence of the Accelerationist and their data centers and how that will impact energy and environment policies. Banon ties together his concerns about how AI will be prioritized in industries and institutions humans rely on for safety and quality of life and how it will actually shape culture.

Extinction level events are the concern. “The path we are going that is coming fast,” Allen said, referring to tweets from people Bannon says are “the tip of the spear”:

Bannon then shifted the discussion to where the Bible outlines “the only unforgivable sin,” citing biblical references about blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. He connected this to the ethical implications of pursuing godlike powers through AI, emphasizing the importance of upholding the Judeo-Christian Western values.

Bannon underscored the magnitude of human struggle against such endeavors, which he deemed even more significant than current political battles.

“The Holy Spirit makes us human,” Bannon said.

Sixth segment:

“I will take the common sense of the American people over these demons coming out of Silicon Valley, and that goes for people who are on our side of the football, and you have to be a part of that,” he said about the work ahead for the Vanguard.

Guest: Catherine O’Neill Work: Merriwether Farm

Bannon transitioned from discussing AI to the core values of their party, introducing O’Neill, whose natural meat product resonates with the audience. He drew a parallel between the authenticity of their party’s values and O’Neill’s natural meat, contrasting it with what he perceives as the artificiality of lab-grown products pushed by others in the AI industry.

Bannon made a brilliant connection between the heavy, complex, and overwhelming topic of singularity, which he has studied for 20 years, and the other issues he calls his audience to immerse themselves into.

“You have got to be part of the conversation,” Bannon said, claiming to be a Luddite, telling his audience that they are called to complicated things like fighting the dehumanization of AI.

Seventh segment:

Guest: Mike Lindell

Lindell talked about the danger of voting machines, the results of the 2020 elections, and his recent update to the US Supreme Court.


Several common themes emerged from Saturday discussions on the War Room program.

America First Project 2025 vs. Chinese Communist Party Project 2025: Bannon and his guests connect the dots between these two projects, highlighting a new “arms” race to control artificial intelligence.

They discuss the implications of this race for global politics and the future of technology.

Migration and Border Security: Bannon and his guests address the bursting disaster along the southern border of the United States, discussing the planned and organized nature of migration and the need for securing the border.

They analyze the Biden administration’s response to migration issues, particularly about Haiti. Election Integrity and Stolen Election Claims: A recurrent theme is questioning the integrity of the 2020 election, with Bannon and his guests discussing alleged irregularities and their impact on American politics.

They scrutinized election processes and accused the Biden administration of stealing the election.

Artificial Intelligence and Technological Development: Bannon and his guests delve into the dangers and implications of artificial intelligence, discussing its potential to shape culture, politics, and society.

They highlight concerns about AI creating a “higher authority” than human beings and the convergence of technological advancements with political and spiritual implications.

Political Ideologies and Demonic Imagery: The recurring theme is contrasting political ideologies, with Bannon and his guests framing certain actors, particularly those in Silicon Valley, as potentially malevolent forces.

They often use vivid and dramatic language to discuss the clash between traditional values and technological advancement.

Resistance and Vanguard Mentality: Throughout the discussions, there is an emphasis on resistance against dangerous threats, with Bannon positioning his audience as “The Vanguard” leading the way in understanding and combating various issues, including AI, migration, and election integrity.

Alternative Media and Audience Engagement: Bannon’s War Room program serves as a platform for alternative viewpoints and in-depth analysis of current events, engaging with a specific audience concerned about issues such as America’s future, election integrity, and technological developments.

These themes reflect Bannon’s and his guests’ broader concerns about the direction of American politics, society, and technology and their efforts to mobilize their audience in response to these challenges.

Full show, in two parts, is available on War Room Rumble:

The War Room airs Monday through Saturday on Real America’s Voice from 10 am to 12 pm EST, with additional shows on Monday to Friday from 5 pm to 6 pm EST. Additionally, it broadcasts on Frank Speech from Monday to Friday from 6 pm to 7 pm EST.

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