NC Speaker Moore Voices the People’s Concerns About the Border, Some Media Mock the Worry

North Carolina Speaker, Republican Tim Moore, led a critically important discussion about the border disaster from a North Carolinian point of view on Wednesday at a press conference and talked about the increasing crime pouring into the United States- and over the US Border under Democrat Joe Biden.

“The Biden Administration has utterly failed to secure our border. Consequently, every state in the country is now a border state, including North Carolina. It is past time for Governor Cooper to take swift action on behalf of all North Carolinians,” Moore said on Wednesday and presented a letter that had been sent to Cooper.


All 72 House Republicans signed the letter urging Democrat Governor Cooper to take significant action. The critical points in the letter include:

  1. Deployment of additional North Carolina National Guard troops to assist Governor Abbott, coordinated with Texas leadership.
  2. Commitment to signing legislation mandating cooperation with ICE by local police departments to remove criminal illegal immigrants.
  3. Halt discretionary cooperation with the federal government in placing and housing illegal migrants within the state.

Moore emphasized the urgency, stating that the Biden Administration’s failure to secure the border makes every state, including North Carolina, a border state. Governor Cooper is urged to act swiftly on behalf of all North Carolinians.

Link to full Press Release

A number of Moore’s fellow Republicans, who stood in solidarity with him at the General Assembly, confirmed to the media that their voters are telling them that they feel unsafe and worried about the border and worried about it in their North Carolina homes.

There was general agreement among the Republican Reps, that both Republican and Democrat constituents are calling and mailing them to say that the border is the number one election issue for 2024 for them.

The North Carolina press conference comes at the same time that Republicans in DC are bringing Democrat Alejandro Mayorkas in to answer for his part in the border disaster; as a result, in general, Mayorkas is mocking the people and the nation’s grave concerns over his lack of concerns national safety.

“House Republicans voted along party lines early Wednesday to move toward impeaching Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for a “willful and systematic” refusal to enforce immigration laws as border security becomes a top 2024 election issue,” the AP reported on Thursday about the latest impeachment moves.

Check out our latest on Mayorkas’ impeachment:

The way Mayorkas acts is how some of the NC media behaved on Wednesday as well, who were not impressed or feeling the urgency from Moore and the other Republicans. Some of the NC corporate media focused on how faraway North Carolina is from the border, suggesting that we are too far away from the problems to care about these issues.

Those media don’t follow Real America’s Voice Ben Bergquam and his reporting about how people are being flown around to states, including North Carolina:

The few North Carolina corporate media who were present, particularly WRAL, in general, were looking for a political axe to grind, downplayed the people’s concerns, and had a somewhat mocking attitude about the statements the Republicans made at the presser

Moore is running for US Congress, and their skepticism was that the press conference was a publicity stunt.

That is illogical. The border, as we know, is a growing concern because it is about safety.

While WRAL is right to question and hold all power seekers accountable, it is questionable if WRAL has gone out into the public and talked to the people about what they are worried about.

This type of political posturing is what the people are up against and why we need independent media at all of these critical press conferences. Helping our representatives cover for the Biden administration is the sort of low information our media has about the plight of the American people.

The people have a right to know and be informed.

As usual, independent media will climb out on a limb to bring people some accurate information from real people.

Here is more of our coverage of North Carolina:

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