Open Border Crime Surge? Obama-Affiliate Group Resettles Thousands of Illegals in Chicago, Leaving American Citizens in Danger

A recent article by Paul Drabik in Gateway Pundit sheds light on a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request revealing the involvement of Catholic Charities and an Obama Foundation affiliate named New Life Centers in resettling illegal immigrants in Chicago.

This information surfaces at the same time numerous independent media sources are investigating the dangerous escalation in crimes and the likelihood of evaporating resources for the American people.

This story starts with a citizen investigation. FOIA requests, filed by Terry Newsome of the Behind Enemy Lines podcast and provided to Drabik, uncovered 213 emails detailing what appeared to Newsome to be the collaboration between these organizations, the City of Chicago, the State of Illinois, Exelon Energy, and Mayor Andy Schor of Lansing, Michigan.

These emails, according to Drabik, suggest a coordinated effort to prioritize the resettlement of illegal immigrants over addressing the needs of American citizens in Chicago.

Financially, the Gateway Pundit article notes that Illinois taxpayers are expected to incur an additional $1 billion expense in 2024, with a significant portion allocated to support these resettlement efforts.

An article about the FOIA information in Complicit Clergy encourages readers to express their opposition to Catholic Charities’ activity in settling illegals by contacting Blase Cupich at the Archdiocese of Chicago. The article highlights concerns about these organizations’ role in what they perceive as enabling illegal immigration.

In the Gateway Pundit article by Drabik, he makes his case with a series of charts and emails tracking the conversation about funding. According to Drabik, the emails reveal a “reporting cadence” between Catholic Charities and New Life Centers, showing over 15,200 illegal immigrants resettled between December 2022 and March 2024.

The Drabik article criticizes the creation of specific positions and high salaries for officials like the Deputy Mayor for Immigrant, Migrant, and Refugee Rights, highlighting these as contributing factors to increasing taxes.

Notably- a pilot program was identified from the emails to divert domestic violence victims amid reports of crime in shelters for illegal immigrants. This is especially curious.

New Life Centers also boasts of providing housing and groceries to thousands without being transparent about the costs involved.

The article argues that while intentions may be good, the reality of such mass immigration includes increased crime, financial burdens, and societal issues, which it attributes to leftist policies.

Drabik cites concerns over “Replacement Migration,” connecting it to a 2000 UN study addressing population decline and aging populations.

The piece suggests that these efforts contribute to broader issues like increased crime, homelessness, healthcare shortages, and national security threats, labeling them as part of a worldwide crisis.

Newsome has been conducting FOIA investigations with local police departments to expose what he believes is a connection to increased crime rates and unlawful, illegal immigration policies.

Ben Bergquam, host of Real America’s Voice show Law and Border, has been following Newsome’s investigations closely, looking for indications that the Democrat’s narrative about illegals and the number of crimes they commit is false. Newsome’s FOIA requests have resulted in pages and pages of criminal activity around migration centers, where known illegals are congregating, that are being reported and that deserve much deeper scrutiny.

Bergquam, guided by a belief and understanding that most of the information about the rate and nature of the crimes committed is not being tracked to expose the legal status of the perp, especially in Sanctuary Cities like Chicago, is also investigating the details of Newsome’s FOIA logs.

There is some suspicion that either the crimes reported are not correlated to being committed by illegals or the illegals are not charged with criminal activity.

There is concern over the amount of police resources being used in these types of situations, as well as the increased demand for federal resources, which is highly important to understand before the 2024 elections, where Democrats are insisting on open borders to bring in more illegals.

We will bring more details from these investigations.

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