Ben Bergquam reported live to the WarRoom and told Steve Bannon that the prosecution in the criminal “Hush Money” trial in New York City is behaving in court, as it is openly frustrated with President Trump over his posts, speeches, and exchanges with the American people.
Trump has been out in the streets of New York numerous times, mingling with his supporters and receiving tremendous favorable responses and encouragement.
Trump visited a Harlem Bodega and filled the streets with his supporters. On Thursday, he visited Union construction workers at an early morning rally, which made viral news.
Bergquam reported that the prosecution in the trial is attempting to pin gag order violations on Trump for comments made during those events and also for comments made on his social media.
Here was the scene from Thursday morning:
Here is Bergquam’s report from Thursday afternoon:
Bergquam goes into more detail, telling Bannon that the legal team is irritated that Trump is not following their rules:
Bergquam has been reporting live from New York City for a week, bringing his unique perspective to the WarRoom and Real America’s Voice about how the trial of Trump looks against the backdrop of an illegal invasion:
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