Trump on Trial for Bookkeeping Mistake, Pushback Starts

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President Donald Trump is currently on trial for his alleged involvement in a hush money scandal, marking the first instance in American history that a former president has faced criminal charges.

Trial starts Monday:

The conflict of interest for the judge in the case is coming into focus, as Laura Loomer reported.

Judge Merchan recently issued a gag order against President Trump, who has a daughter named Loren Merchan. She holds a prominent position at Authentic Campaigns, a company specializing in campaigns and elections, where clients include Kamala Harris and Adam Schiff. Loren Merchan’s social media activity, including a profile picture of Trump behind bars, suggests a bias against Trump.

Additionally, according to Loomer, FEC reports reveal her frequent donations to Democratic candidates through ActBlue. This raises concerns about a conflict of interest and potential election interference, prompting calls for Judge Merchan to recuse himself from President Trump’s case.

Loomer is in the streets, pushing back:

The trial centers around a $130,000 payment made to a porno star who goes by the name “Stormy Daniels ” who says she was paid off to conceal an alleged affair with Trump, a claim he vehemently denies.

The payment was orchestrated by Trump’s former lawyer, Michael Cohen, and disguised as legal fees in company records.

Trump faces 34 counts of falsifying business records and has pleaded not guilty, asserting that the charges are politically motivated. The trial, which requires Trump’s presence, is expected to last up to eight weeks. Due to the large pool of prospective jurors, jury selection alone could potentially take two weeks.

Just as his opponents have long wanted, Trump is now distracted from campaigning,

As Fox News reported:

“The historic trial will require Trump, the Republican Party’s presumptive nominee for the 2024 election, to defend himself from the Manhattan courtroom while simultaneously campaigning as the election season heats up,” adding:

” The case is also expected to feature two other payments, including a $30,000 payment to a Trump Tower doorman who claimed that Trump fathered a child out of wedlock, and arranged a $150,000 payment through a tabloid publisher to a former Playboy model named Karen McDougal, who also claimed she had an affair with Trump and sold her story to the tabloid. Trump has also vehemently denied these allegations.”

Prosecutors allege that the Trump Organization reimbursed Cohen, and fraudulently logged the payments as legal expenses.   

“During the election, TRUMP and others employed a ‘catch and kill’ scheme to identify, purchase, and bury negative information about him and boost his electoral prospects,” Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg alleged last year. “TRUMP then went to great lengths to hide this conduct, causing dozens of false entries in business records to conceal criminal activity, including attempts to violate state and federal election laws.”

“Catch-and-kill” schemes are understood as tactics used by media and publishing companies to buy the rights to a person’s story and then bury the information.

The battle to defend Trump is on in the streets, with multiple groups gathering in front of the courthouse to show support for Trump and his America First agenda.

Loomer reported a battle tactic that is a bird’s eye view of what can be expected to come in the days ahead as well- a lot of pushback:

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