As Biggest Political Corruption Scandal in US History Goes to Trial, McCarthy Seems Tepid About MAGA

House Republicans are ready to pursue impeachment for Democrat Joe Biden. Still, not all are excited about the idea of holding the Democrats accountable for their devious usurpations of the American Republic.

‘This is about answers for the American people,” US Rep. Elise Stefanik said Wednesday about Biden’s impeachment inquiry:

“This will uncover the biggest political corruption scandal in our nation’s history,” she told the media.


McCarthy gave a speech on Tuesday that seemed a little bit lackluster- as if he had been forced to deliver the message to the American people and the media noticed:

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The War Room interviewed the source of the movement to force McCarthy to action. US Rep Matt Gaetz offered his point of view that McCarthy was not doing enough and talked to the War Room about it, on Tuesday- saying he was going to push McCarthy even more:

Here is what Gaetz wants to see happen:

“This is what the House of Representatives must do going forward: -Vote on Term Limits -Votes on balanced budgets -Single-subject spending bills -No Continuing Resolutions -Subpoena Hunter Biden and members of the Biden Crime Family -Full release of the January 6 tapes -Impeach Joe Biden, the time for inquiries and more investigations is over,” Gaetz wrote on Twitter:


The New York Times is crying about how unfair it all is and ignoring the fact that this is happening because of the movement behind President Trump:

The move against President Biden, which Speaker Kevin McCarthy had been signaling for weeks, comes as some far-right House Republicans are irate over spending and threatening to depose him.

McCarthy Announces Impeachment Inquiry Into Biden
Republicans have found no evidence of financial wrongdoing or corruption by the president, but said they have received enough information to warrant more investigation.

House Republicans have uncovered serious and credible allegations into President Biden’s conduct. Taken together, these allegations paint a picture of a culture of corruption. And they warrant further investigation by the House of Representatives. That’s why today, I am directing our House committee to open a formal impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden. This logical next step will give our committees the full power to gather all the facts and answers for the American public.

Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Tuesday opened an impeachment inquiry into President Biden, working to appease far-right lawmakers who have threatened to oust him if he fails to accede to their demands for deep spending cuts that would force a government shutdown at the end of the month.

Mr. McCarthy’s decision to unilaterally announce an impeachment investigation with no formal House vote entwined the Republican investigations into Mr. Biden with the funding fight that is rattling the Capitol. It appeared to be a bid to quell a brewing rebellion among ultraconservative critics who have accused the speaker of not taking a hard enough line on spending, by complying with their demands to more aggressively pursue the president.

Mr. McCarthy said he would task three committees — Oversight, Judiciary, and Ways and Means — with carrying out the inquiry into the president and his family as Republicans hunt for evidence of financial wrongdoing or corruption. After months of digging, Republicans have found no such proof, though they argue they have enough information to warrant more investigation.

Mr. McCarthy’s announcement appeared to clear the way for House investigators to issue subpoenas for the bank records of Mr. Biden and his family members.

In brief remarks at the Capitol, Mr. McCarthy accused Mr. Biden of lying about his knowledge of his son Hunter Biden’s business dealings, and he raised questions about the millions that Hunter and other family members made from overseas firms. Mr. McCarthy also accused the Biden administration of giving the president’s son “special treatment” in a criminal tax investigation against him.

“House Republicans have uncovered serious and credible allegations into President Biden’s conduct,” Mr. McCarthy said. “Taken together, these allegations paint a picture of a culture of corruption.”

What We Know About the Impeachment Case Against Biden

Sept. 12, 2023

Mr. McCarthy has signaled for weeks that he supports an impeachment inquiry of the president to give congressional investigators more power to dig into Mr. Biden’s family finances. Starting such an inquiry means that Republicans must no longer justify their investigation as part of their legislative work and will have broad powers to request documents and testimony, with the ultimate goal of producing one or more articles of impeachment against the president accusing him of high crimes and misdemeanors.

But Tuesday’s move was a break with the past and a major change in strategy for Mr. McCarthy, who previously indicated that he believed the full House should vote on whether to move forward with an impeachment inquiry. Two presidential impeachment inquiries in modern history, of Bill Clinton in 1998 and Donald J. Trump in 2019, were endorsed with votes of the full House, though Democrats had announced several weeks earlier that they were beginning a formal investigation into Mr. Trump. The House impeached Mr. Trump a second time in 2021 without an inquiry, just days after the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

The apparent decision not to seek a vote was a tacit acknowledgment by Mr. McCarthy that he lacked the numbers to do so amid G.O.P. divisions. Hard-right Republicans who remain loyal to Mr. Trump and bent on exacting revenge for his impeachment and the raft of criminal prosecutions he is facing are pressing hard for the move.

But several Republicans, including those from districts Mr. Biden won, have indicated they did not support an impeachment inquiry unless investigators could tie the business dealings of Hunter Biden, who engaged in transactions with overseas firms, to his father, or uncover evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors.

SO THE BATTLE HAS STARTED.. will DC ever be held accountable for the damage they have done to the United States? That is the question on the minds of Americans now.

If the MAGA movement stays together they may finally make DC listen- after all this time.

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