Biggest Invasion In American History: More Marines Head to the Border

Newsmax correspondent Jaseon Jones interviewed a law enforcement officer in Texas about what he sees on the border, calling the situation “the largest invasion of America in History”, posting

” Pivotal moment in American history as the State of Texas repels an invasion caused by the U.S. government”:

The Marine Times reported on Thursday afternoon that the US military is being called out to work on the Biden regime crisis:

Approximately 550 Marines from bases in California and North Carolina are heading to the southern border amid the end of pandemic-era immigration restrictions.

The Marines are part of a group of approximately 1,500 active duty troops getting deployed to the U.S.-Mexico border after the end of a policy that authorized U.S. officials to return migrants over the border quickly. The troops will arrive no later than June 1, Lt. Col. Rob Shuford, a Marine spokesman, said in a statement to Marine Corps Times.

The Marines will help the Department of Homeland Security and Customs and Border Patrol “with data entry, warehousing support, and additional detection and monitoring support efforts” at the western part of the southern border, Shuford said.

Around 350 Marines will come from 2nd Marine Division and Combat Logistics Battalion-2, based at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, Shuford said.

Other media reports showed that two hundred Marines from San Diego’s Camp Pendleton have been temporarily deployed to the U.S.-Mexico border to support the Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Border Patrol as they expect a rush of migrants after Title 42—which was put in place limiting asylum seekers from entering the U.S. during the COVID pandemic—expired just before midnight May 11.

The Marines are part of 1,500 active-duty troops that will assist border patrol agents for at least 90 days with ground detection monitoring, warehouse support, and data entry, Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder said during a May 9 press conference.

“The troops will not be conducting any type of law enforcement activities,” he said


As uncovered by other independent journalists, people are coming from all over the world. including China, to bypass our immigration system and just walk in for free under the Biden administration.

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